Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1466

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3120 INDEX. Federal RestrfJe Act Amernimtlnts, discount permitted by Reserve bank of commercial paper for membcr Pue. banks secured by nonperishable staples___ _______ __ ______ __ ___ 975 prompt collection and payment rc- quiredL _____________________ _ time limit for holding paper by Reserve bank _______________________ _ computation of interest___________ _ State banks, etc., becoming membcrs of Federal reserve system, to be depositaries of public money ___ _ may be employed as Government financial agents______________ _ security to be required __________ _ Federal Reserve BanklJ, class A director of, not prohibited from being an officer, etc., of two or more banks, etc ______________ _ permit from Federal ,.Reserve Board requtred ____________________ _ 975 975 975 492 492 492 253 253 erection authorized of building for Los Angeles branch of San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, CaliL__ 1140 Federal RelJtrfJe Board, may issue or revoke permits f9r private bankers, officers of member banks, etc., to serve in Dot more than two other banks, etc ______ _ Federal Ruerve Currency, appropriation for distinctive paper 253 for __ __ _____ ______________ 166, 1032 for expenses redemption of, Treas- urer's office ________________ 168,1034 for expenses, Office of Comptroller of theCurrency______________ 168,1034 Federal Standard Srock Catalogue, printin~JTarmstroBot (talk)_02:28, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~:..~I:_02:28, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~: 1461 reimbursement fromdepartments,etc. 1461 Federal Trade Commi"ion, appropriation for Commissioners ___ 579,1236 for all other expenses___________ 579, 1236 for printing and binding for _____ 579, 1237 deficiency appropriation for expenses_ __ 887 amount for personal services in- creas.~______________________ 887 for salaries, 1929__________________ 1676 Fee, May, credit in postal accounts of, due to 1088eS by bank failure_________ 2021 Feeble Minded Children, D. C ., deficiency appropriation for mainten- ance ________________________ 9,891 Feeney, Captain ThomatJ, reimbursement to, for clothing fur- nished_______________________ 2332 Feu, Attorney'lI, provisions for reasonable, for services in German,etc., World War claims_ 267 penalty for accepting exceB8__________ 267 Fehr, <:aro!ine C. (u:idow), peDSlon lDcraased _______ . ___________ 2054 Feily, Catherine (widow), F~~;~Il02:28, 7 January 2012 (UTC)d(~d~~)~------------ 2093 FefzTarmstroBot (talk) 02:28, 7 January 2012 (UTC)Jr~~jg~urid~~):------------- 2079 pens10n Increased_ _ ____ __ __ ___ ____ __ 2073 Felmly! Sy~via S. (widow), Fe~nD~!t(:d:~)-,------------------ 2201 pens10n lDcreased _ __________________ 1737 Felter, f1lp!u' W., penslOn lllcreased_ _____ ___________ __ 2384 Felton, Margaret (daughter), Paae, pension____________________________ 2272 Fennell, Bridget (mother), pension__ _________ _____ ____________ 2005 Fenton, Linie (widow), pension____________________________ 1805 Fenton! Sa~ah S. (widow), penSlOn lDcreased_ _ _____ ___________ _ 1972 Fergu8~n, ~,lice A. (widow), penslOn lDcreased_ _____ ___________ __ 1924 Fergus~n, I!ellen L. (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _________ _________ 2069 Fergu8~n, -'!fartha (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _ ____ ________ ___ __ 1744 Fergus~n, -'!fary A. (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ ____ _______ __ _____ 2271 Ferguson, Oliver D., (widow), pension ______________________________ 2320 Fergus~, ~arah (widow), penSlOn lllcreased_ _ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ __ 1863 Fern Street NW., D. G., appropriation for paving, etc., Georgia Avenue to Blair Road; from gasoline tax fund_____________ 652 Fero, .s:u3a!1 L. (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2168 Ferree,.cat~erine L. (widow), penslOn lDcreased_ _ _________________ 1754 Ferrier! Ne;ncy J. (widow), penSlOn mcreased,___________________ 1821 Ferris,.An~ B. (widow), penSlOn Increased_ _ _________________ 2224 Ferrill, C. E . etc., may bridge Mississippi River, at Prairie du Chien, Wis________________ 198 Ferri3, Calillta (widow), pension____________________________ 1936 Ferris, Woodbridge N., late a Senator, deficiency appropriation for pay to widow oL_ _ _ _ _ ______________ 883 Fertich, Laura M. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1972 FertilizerlJ, appropriation for investigations, etc.; oL _______________________ 557,1207 deficiency appropriation for lnvestiga- tions________________________ 1633 for loan of, to farmers for seed grain, etc., in southern storm stricken areas________________________ 1635 Fetllch,.An!1a (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2059 Fetterhoff, Blanche (widow), pension____________________________ 1820 Fetller, .Sm.anna (widow), penslOn lDcreased___________________ 1965 Fiber Plants, appropriation for improving, etc., hard fiber production outside conti- nentalarea ________________ 550,1201 Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, redemption of lost certificates of indebt- edness_______________________ 1707 Fidler, Emma T. (widow), pension_ _ _____ ___ ___ _______________ 1770 Fiedler! Ne;omi (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 1788 Field ArtiUery, Army, deficiency appropriation for armament_ 43, 496, 1619, 1622, 1672, 1674 for ordnance_____________________ 49 Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Okla., appropriation for instruction ex- penses ____________________ 345,1366