Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1532

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3186 INDEX. Indiana Northern Judicial District-Con. Pap. terms of court; allowance for holidays_ 438 grand. jury may. inv~tigate, etc., cnmes commItted In another di- vision _ _ __ __________ ____ _____ 438 j~ni~r district judge to be judge for___ 439 dlstnct attorney and marshal to be arpointed for_________________ 439 offices 0 ('lerks, etc_________________ 439 I ndiana Southern Judicial District counties. ~onstituting Indianap~lis di- VISIon_ _ _ _________ ____ _______ 438 Terre Haute division______________ 438 Evansville division________________ 438 New Albany division______________ 438 terms of court, at Evansville_________ 438 Indianapolis_ ___ _ __ ____ __ __ _______ 438 New Albany_____________________ 438 Terre Haute______________________ 438 allowance for holidays_____ ____ __ __ _ 438 grand jury may investigate, etc., crimes committed in another divisioR___ _ _____ __ ______ _____ 438 senior district judge to be judge for___ 438 present district attorney and marshal to be assigned to________________ 439 offices of clerk, etc__________________ 439 Indianapoli8, Ind., appropriation for Confederate section, Greenlawn Cemetery _______ 355,1375 termsofcourtat_______ .___________ 438 Confederate monument, etc., to be re- moved from Greenlawn Ceme- . tery to Garfield Park_ _________ 533 Ind~anl! (3ee also Indian Affairs Bureau Interior Department), , appropriation for suppressing liquor traffic, etc., among; peyote in- cluded ____________________ 204, 1566 for survey, etc., for allotments in severalty, etc., lands oL ____ 205, 1568 restriction on use in Arizona and New Mexico ______________ 206,1568 repeal of provision for reimburse- ment from Indian funds_______ 206 repeal not applicable to special Acts_________________________ 206 for expenses of timber sales; repay- ment_____________________ 207,1570 for suppressing forest fires ______ 207, 1570 for encouraging industry and self- support among; repaymenL 208, 1570 restnctio!l on expenditure to any one tnbe _________________ 208, 1570 advances pennitted to old allottees, etc_______________________ 208, 1570 for promoting agricultural activities of___________________________ 1570 for conservation of health among_ 220,1581 for asylum for insane, Canton, S. Dak _____________________ 221,1582 deficiency appropriation for reimburs- ing, for destroyed infected live- stock ______________________ 17,1638 for encouraging industry, etc_ _____ 46, 934 for relieving distress, etc_ __ _ _ ____ 47, 934, 1617,1621, 1673 for general support, etc __________ 47,1610. 1617, 1621 for conservation of health, etc., among______________________ 901 for suppressing liquor traffic among_ 1671, 1673 India'I.8-Continued. Pap. citizenship conferred upon Eastern Band of Cherokee, in North Carolina, confinned_ _ _ _ __ 1094 disposition of trust allotment"s- - of allottees dying without making a will, etc_______________ _ _ 161 relinquishment of lands in raiir~ad grants to, in Arizona, etc., ex- tended_______________________ 299 I ndiam, American, appropriation for ethnological re- searches among____________ 583,1241 deficiency appropriation for ethnolog- ical researches among__________ 889 born in Canada, may pass the borders of. the United States; limitation_ 401 cooperatIOn of Smithsonian Institution with States, etc., in ethnological researches among_____________ 413 amount authorized to be expended for__________________________ 413 all?wance to States, etc., contribut- lng__________________________ 414 work under direction of Secretary of Smithsonian Institution________ 414 in Indian or National Park lands under regulations by Se~retary of the Interior________________ 414 Indians in California, all claims of, against United States for lands taken without compensa- tiOI~ to be submitted to Court of vlaims by Attorney General of California, on behalf of the Indians_ _ _________ ______ _____ 602 jurisdiction conferred, with right of appeal to the Supreme Court___ 602 declaration of ground for equitable relief________________________ 602 settlement of equitable rights notwith- standing lapse of time, etc _ _ _ __ 602 any decree to equal compensation as . provided by unratified treaties__ 602 prior payments may be pleaded as set-offs______________________ 602 claims to be filed within three years___ 602 evidence admitted________________ 602 reimbursement to California, if judg- ment against United States_ _ _ _ 602 judgment to be placed to credit of; interest allowed _ _ _ _ _ __ ______ _ 603 use of fund for benefit of the Indians' no per capita payments_______ ~ 603 roll to be made of persons entitled thereto______________________ 603 applications to be made within two years_ ___________ ___ ___ ____ _ 603 revision within three years to be final________________________ 603 rules, etc., to be prescribed_________ 603 Industrial Homefor Colored Children D. C. appropriation for salaries a~d ex~ penses ___________________ 676,1292 for repairs, etc _________________ 676,1292 for rebuilding barn_ _ ______ ___ __ __ _ 1292 deposit of receipts from sale of products __________________ 676,1292 Industrial Home School, D. C ., appropriation for salaries and expenses_ 676, . . 1292 for repalI'S and lIDpl'OVements_ _ _ _ 676, 1292