Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1534

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3188 INDEX. Inland Waterways C01'poration-Continued. Pap. facilities of,not to be sold until fair value ascertained, etc-. , and the Presi- dent approves the sale or lease_ any person, etc., including, conducting common carrier service on the Warrior, or Mississippi or tribu- tariesJ.. may obtain from Inter- state \,;()mmerce Commission, cer- tificate of public necessity, etc __ order by Commission for all connect- ing carriers to join in through routes, joint rates, etc., with __ _ interstate common carriers required to negotiate for equitable divi- sions of the joint differential rates _______________________ _ determination by order of Com- mission on failure of carriers to &gree------------------------- 979 980 980 980 980 hearings at once upon complaint, of reasonableness or lawfulness of throug? .route or joint rate, by COmmlsslon___________________ 980 reasOilableness of minimum differ- entials ______________________ _ 980 reasonableness of any division of joint rates __________________ _ order to be made after full hear- 980 ing _________________________ _ 980 burde.n . of proof on carrier com- plamlDg_ _ _ _________ ________ _ 980 preference and speedy decision of such questions _______________ _ buyer or lessee of transportation facili- ties of, entitled to certificate of public necessity as a common carrier ______________________ _ traffic, tariffs, etc., to remain in full 980 980 force________________________ 980 changes by mutual consent of water carrier and other participating carrier_______________________ 980 joint rail and water rates construed__ 981 operations of transportation, etc., facili- ties, subject to interstate com- merce laws __________________ _ to provisions of Shipping Act______ _ vessels of, subject to laws governing merchant vessels _____________ _ 981 981 981 981 investigation as to extending service of, to inland water route from Boston}Mass., to Beaufort, N. C _ Inman,. Ha.rriet . (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _ __________ ____ ___ 1926 Inman~ El~zabeth (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _ ________________ _ 2107 Innis, James, paymentto________________________ 2263 Inquiries and Investigations, Senate, appropriation for expenses of ______ 520, 1390 deficiency appropriation for expenses of ___________________________ 3, 884 Insane, Ala8ka, appropriation for care oL _________ 240,1604 deficiency appropriation for care oL___ 1644 payment to Sanitarium Company, Portland, Oreg., for care, etc., oL 1719 Insane Americans in Canada, upon application, to be tranRf{'rr('d to Saint Elizabeths, D. C . if legal residence not kllOWll_ _ _ _ 1495 Insane, D. C ., appropriation for expenRes exe('utin~ lunacy writs _______________ 671,1287 Insane, D. C .-Continued. appropriation for support of indigenL Pap. 677, 1293 for deporting nonresident _______ 677, 1293 deficiency appropriation for support of indigent _______________ 10,892,1631 for executing lunacy writB__________ 1630 Insect In/estations of Forest Trees, deficiency appropriation for emergency expenses combating, in national forests ______________________ _ 12 Insecticide! , appropriation for chemical investiga- tions, etc., oL _____________ 557,1207 for preventing sale, etc., of adulter- ated ______________________ 566,1218 deficiency appropriation for investiga- tions, etc _ _ _ _ ________________ 12 Insects (!ee also Entomology Bureau, Department of Agriculture), appropriation for investigations, etc_ 558, 1208 for study of, affecting health of man, etc.; household, etc ________ 558,1208 for taxonomy and interrelations of, etc _______________________ 558, 1209 importation of usefuL ________ 558,1209 inspecting pest survey ________ 558, 1209 deficiency appropriation for study of, affecting man, etc______ _______ 1634 for investigating tropical and sub- tropical plant________________ 1634 Insell, Amanda (widow), pension increased_ _ __ _______________ 2078 Inspection and Survey, Navy, Board of appropriation for civilian personnel, Navy DepartmenL ________ 642,1470 Inspector General's Department, Army, deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929________________________ 1689 Inspector General', Office, War Depart- ment, appropriation for civilian personneL 326, 1349 for mileage, expert accountant_ _ 330, 1353 Inspectors, Foreign Service, appropriation for expenses; per diem limitation__________________ 66, 1097 Inspectors, Indian Service, appropriation for expenses; subsistence allowance _________________ 204, 1566 deficiency appropriation for _ ____ __ ___ 46 Inspectors, Steamboat Inspection Service, appropriation for, assistants, etc__ ___ 89, 1120 Instruction and Transit Pay, Foreign Service Officers, appropriationfor _________________ 68,1099 Insular Affairs Bureau, Army, appropriation for civilian personnel, Office of Chief of, War Depart- rnent _____________________ 326,1349 for care of insane Filipino and Porto Rican soldiers _ _ _______ _______ 340 for care, etc., insane Filipino Boldiers_ 1363 deficiency appropriation for care of insane Filipino Boldiers_________ 1665 for salaries, 1929_ ______ _________ _ 1689 Insular Possessions, appropriation for distinctive mail equip- ment for __________________ 192,1055 for fortification expenses ________ 336,1359 deficiency appropriation for fortifica- tions _______________________ _ establishment of Joint Congressional Commission to study, etc., re- organization of administration, 936 etc., oL _ _______________ _____ 1700