Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1568

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3222 INDEX. McGraf:h, ¥ary (widow), Pap. pensIOn Increased_ _ __ _ _ ___ _ __ __ ___ __ 2094 McGregor, Roy, payment to _____________ . _____ ___ ___ 2263 MCGTegora Ferry, Ill., bridge authorized across Wabash River, at___________________________ 480 location of bridge across Wabash River at, changed to New Harmony, Ind., and White County, IlL___ 1406 McGuigan, Hugh Anthony, reimbursement to, for medical, etc., treatment____________________ 2336 McGuire, Alma (widow), pension____________________________ 1942 McGui~e, ¥ary (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ ______ __________ _ 2132 MCGui~e, ¥ary EUen (widow), pensIon Increased___________________ 1936 McGui~e, ~wan (widow), penSlon Increased___________________ 2231 McGuy'eT, ~annah (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2080 McHenry, Benjamin S., aliaa Henry Ben- jamin, military record corrected_____________ 1721 McHobaon, Sarrah E. (widow), pension____________________________ 2244 McH0l!and, Sarah E. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2241 McIlvajn, !tfary J. (widow), pensIOn mcreased ___ . _______ _______ _ 1747 McIlvajn, !tfary R. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2051 McIntire, ~ate W. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2132 McIntire, ¥artha A. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ __ _____________ 1869 McIntire, Thomaa A., aliaa Thomaa In- galla, pension ________________________ 1990,2008 McIntosh, Abia (widow), pension increased___________________ 2130 Mc!, !VeUie (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ ____ _______ ____ 1884 McIntosh, PoU1/ (widow), pension increased___________________ 1943 McIntyre, Annie L. (daughter), pension____________________________ 1820 McIntyre, George B. (son), pension____________________________ 1799 McIntyre, John S., pension____________________________ 2309 McIntyre, /. , Quisa (widow), pension increased _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ ____ __ _ 1943 Mclnt1l!e, !rlar1/ J. (widow), pensIOn mcreased _ __________________ 1963 McIntyre, Lieutenant Colonel S. B., Army, credit allowed in accounts of ______ 2259, 2261 McKai!" ~nna M. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ __ _ 2196 McKai!" B.arah M. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ ___ ____ ________ ___ 2134 McKron County, Pa., time extended for bridging Allegheny River, at Eldred, by___________ 769 McKea.mi~, Hattie (widow), penSIon InCreased ___________________ 2198 McKee! El!za J. (widow), pensIOn mcreased _ __________________ 1965 McKee, H. L., may bridge Lake Sabine, at Port Arthur, McKee, WiUiam, pension ___________________________ _ McKeela, Edward (son), pension ___________________________ _ McKeea Rocka, Pa., deficiency appropriation for publi0 building at. _________________ _ bridge authorized across Ohio River, at_ McKeesport, Pa., time extended for bridging Monong&- McKeUy, h&:r~r(!~~);- -- - - -- ----- pension ___________________________ _ McK~ree., Mary (widow), pensIon mcreased __________________ _ McKenzie, Abbie M. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ McKenzie, Alice A. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ McKen.zie,.Margaret (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ McKinley High School, D. C., portion of site of, and Langley Junior High, available for bathing pool ________________________ _ McKinley, Jamu A., pension ___________________________ _ McKinley, ProrZ (widow), pension ___________________________ _ McKinley, WiUiam B., late a Senator, deficiencr appropriation for pay to Widow ot. _ _ _______ _______ ___ _ McKin,ney! Maria (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ McKin,ney! Rachel (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McKinnie, Annie (daughter), pension ___________________________ _ McKi"'!trYr Mary (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McKinfy, ~Uen (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McLan,e, J,[ary E. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ McLar~, A-!athilda F. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McLaUflhli,!,-, Margaretta T. < .!ridow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McLaUflhli,!,-, Swan (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McLawhorn, Jack J., pension ___________________________ _ McLea!l-, A-!ary S. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ M cLei3,ter, .Elizabeth (widow), penslon InCreased __________________ _ McLeod, Frances (widow), pension ___________________________ _ McLerl!n, ~mily A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McLin! Ml!rtha A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ McLou~, ~tta (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ McMahan, Mary Elizabeth (widow), ?CM:~,inH:::1i.- ----------------- redemption oflost Treasury note _____ _ McMa':on,.Suaan E. (widow), ?cM:~~c~~d;~):------------ pension ___________________________ _ Tex ________________________ _ time extended for bridging Lake Sabine, at Port Arthur, Tex., by______ _ 609 I' J!cManua, Agnea and George J. , 1524 payme~g~~!~~-TarmstroBot (talk)-~~-TarmstroBot (talk) 02:45, 7 January 2012 (UTC)-02:45, 7 January 2012 (UTC) . 1799 2272 33 1172 387 1822 2108 1952 1799 1741 583 2322 1847 2 1896 2232 2321 2270 2080 2297 2315 2108 2070 1991 2148 2235 2309 2179 1959 1978 1893 2010 1879 1815 2018