Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1740

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3394 INDEX. Secretary 01 Agriculture--Continued. p ..... construction of Mount Vernon Memo- rial Highway under direction of _ 721 designated on Migratory Bird Conser- vation Commission, as chair- D1an________________________ 1222 duties ot. ________ ________ ____ 1223-1225 directed to conduct investigations, tests, etc. for management of forest land, and utilizing forest products___________________ 699-702 dt1ties of.. in enforcing Act for standards 01 hampers, etc., for fruits and vegetables_ _ _ ____ _____ ___ ____ 685 investigation authorized by, and Secre- tary of Commerce, of new uses of cotton and ita by-products_____ 426 leaf tobacco statistics to be collected and stancf!~~:f~~ifi~~tiO""~t~be-;;~t;:. 1079 lished_______________________ 1079 D1ay accept gift of lands in Clayton, Iowa, for Upper Mississippi River wild life and fish refuge__ 420 payment by, to farmers for loss due to nonproduction of cotton, in non- cotton zones established by States for eradication of pink bollworm of cotton___________ 688 sites for prison camps to be selected by Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, and______________ 1318 to serve on Porto Rican Hurricane Re- lief Commission_______________ 1068 Secretary oj Commerce, appropriation for, Assistant, and office personnel. _________________ 83, 1114 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929, office oL_______________ 1678 authorized to convey to Chicago, Ill., Bite of lighthouse reservation for new location_ __ ___ ____ ______ _ 959 secure a site, and have constructed thereon, a building, for use as a constant frequency monitoriug radio station_ _____ ______ ___ __ 1255 sell portion of Pointe Aux Herbes Lighthouse Reservation, La_ ___ 977 designated on Migratory Bird Con- servation Commission_________ 1222 duties of, regulating marking load lines on merchant vessels, in voyages by sea______________________ 1493 investigation authorized by, and Secre- tary of Agriculture of Dew uses of cotton, and its by-products_ _ 426 Secretary oj Labor, appropriation for, Assistants, and office personneL ________________ 105,1135 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929, office oL_______________ 1685 Secretary of State, appropnation for, Undersecretary, and office personneL ____________ 64, 1095 awards of Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany to be certified by, to Secretary of the Treasury_________________ 254 certificate of appointment of Presi- dential electors to be transmitted by executive of each State to___ 946 preservation, etc_ _ __ ___ ___ _ ______ _ 946 copies to the two Houses of Congress_ 946 electors to send two certificates of their votes to __ ___________________ 946 Secretary 01 Statlr-Continued. Paae. electors to send two certificates of their votes to; one subject to order of President of the Senate, the other kept for one year_____________ 946 to send for certificate, in the absence of President of the Senate, from secretdJ'Y of State, of which no certificate of vote has been re- ceived by the third Wednesday in January___________________ 946 to send special messenger, in absence of President of the Senate, for cer- tificate of vote delivered to district judge__ __ ___ _ _______ __ 947 may employ personal services in the District from appropriations for Exposition at Seville, Spain_ _ __ 372 sum authorized for cooperation with Pan American Union in surveys, etc., for Inter-American High- ways________________________ 1697 Secretary 01 the Interior, appropriation for, Assistants, and office personnel _________________ 200,1562 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929, office oL_______________ 1681 authority of, for dam, etc., across Colo- rado River, under provisions of Boulder Canyon Project Act_ _ _ 1057 authorization of appropriations under, for construetmg roads! with In- dian labor, etc., in Indian reser- vations not eligible under High- way Act for aid, etc__________ 750 authorized, in cooperation with Mon- tana and private owners, to lease pubHc lands in designated area, to stockmen, for grazing and range purposes _______'_ ______ _ 380 to cooperate with other departments for benefit of livestock industry _ 381 authorized to accept lands from Idaho, and issue patent to BuhL______ 644 adjust disputes and claims for land in Lake County, Fla., due to faulty surveys, etc_ ___________ 619 appoint board of engineers to ex- amine proposed site, plans, etc., for the Boulder Dam, and to report thereon prior to Decem- ber 1,1928__________________ 1011 contract for transfer of Okanogan irrigation 'project, Wash., to Okanogan Irrigation District___ 739 convey lot in Hot Springs, Ark., to the city _________,_ ____ ___ ___ 959 use restricted to fire department, etc__________________________ 959 dispose of lands in abandoned mili- tary reservations, etc., in Alaska_ 371 unplatted portions of Government townsites in irrigation projects__ 1522 employ consulting engineers on irrigation dams construction, re- emp~:~s-Uiti~g- ~~gi~ee~ -o~-~: 1406 portant reclamation work______ 1406 retired Army and Navy officers may be employed as such______ 1406 enter into agreement with Middle Rio Grande Conservancy Dis- trict for irrigation, etc., of lands of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico______________________ 312