Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/229

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. 8ES8. I. elL 740. 1928. Volunteer Infantry,and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is :now. receiving. The name of Eliza J. White,.. widow o.f William A. White, late of Company K, Twenty-fourth Regiment Ohio. Volun~r Infantry, and yay her 1& pension at the rate o.f $50 pet month in lieu o.f that she IS no.w recehjng. The nalllG of Mary E. SwiQk, widow of Samuel D. Swick, late o.f Company H, Second Regiment lowa Vo.lunteer Infan~., a:nd pay her a pension at the rate of $l)O per mo.nth. in lieu of Ul&t she IS no.w receiviDg. The name o.f Eliza Schoonover, former widow o.f Willis D.C<>Ie- man, late o.f Company I, One hundred and twenty-second Regiment Ohio. Vo.ltmteer Ihfantry, and pay her a pension. at the rate o.f $50 per month in ~u o.f that she is no.w receiving. . The name o.f Sarah J. Prame, widow of Franklin J. Prame, late o.f Company D, One hundred and second Regiment Ohio. Volunteer Infantry., and pay her a .,ensio.n at the rate o.f $50 per month in lieu of that She is no.w receiVl!lg. The name o.f Mary. J. 1t&hnrg, wido.w o.f Hugh Mahurg, late of Company F, Ninety~fifth~nt Ohio. Vo.lunteer Infantry, and Fay her a P,6~ion at the rate o.f $50 per mo.nth in lieu of that she IS no.w receiVIng. . . " The .n~ of. Helena. F&rmetJ;idow o.f James Farmer, late o.f Sixth Battery, Ohio.. Vplunteer . ht Artillery, and pay her a ~n­ sion at the rate o.f $50 ~r mo.nth in lieu of that she is now receiVIng. The ·na .IM of Sarall Ruiter, wido.w of John E ..Rut~ late o.f Com~es G and D, Seventh Regiment WeI¢ Virginia Volunteer Inf(l,~tryl and pay hef a pension at the rate o.f$50 per month in lieu o.f that she is now receivmg. . . The name o.f Mollie Yocum, widow of Elias Yocum, alias David Yoc~We ~f ComPj:l li, One hundred and fifty-seventh :Regi- ment Ohio. VQbmteer lHltry, and pay her a ;pensio.n at the rate o.f $5Q.per month in lieu of that she is now receivIJ!g. The name'o.f Isabella F. Barton, widoWo.f Joab Barton, late of Company H, Twenty-sixth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a ~nsion at the rate o.f $50 per mo.nth in lieu o.f that she is IlQW reomving. The name.of Lydia Le1terts, wido.w of William W •. Lefferts, late of Compani G, Forty-filth Re~ent, and Com~ny D, Fo.rtY-elghth Regim~ Missouri Volunteer Infentry, and pay her a ~nsio.nat the .r ate ~t $5.0 . per month in lieu o.f that she is now receIving. o.fMa~a Ford, widow of .Thomas Ford, late of Troop I, Second Regiment tJilited States Volunteer Cavalri, and pay her a pepsion at the rate o.f $SO per month. - r rhe name o.f Rebecca J. Bitner.l . .. widow o.f Henry Bitner, late o.f Company E, Eleventh Re~ent .1'ennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay a ~o.n at the rate o.f $00 per month in lieu o.f that she is now receiving. . TIle name o.f Ma~ Clem, widow of W'llliam.R . Clem, 1.8 .te o.f Com- pany M, Twenty-first Regiment Pennsylvarua Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 pel' month in lieu o.f that she is now receIving. The name of Lydia' Jones, widow of John D. Jones, late of Com- pany FJ. qne hundred and nmety-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Vol- unteer lnIantryz and pay her ~ pension at the rate o.f $50 per month in lieu o.f that she is now receiVIng. . The name of Ellen Shannon, wido.w of Benjamin Shannon, late of COmpany E, One hundred and fifth Regiment Pennsylvania. Vol- unt~r Infantryt and pay her a )?ension at the rate o.f $ISO pei' month in lieu of that She is now receivmg. 1905 Eliza 1, WhIte. POft, p. 11167. M8l'Y E. Swick. Eliza 8chooDOver. Sarah 1. Prame. Heleua Jl'arDIU. S&rah Rutter. Mollie Yocum. Isabella F. Bartoi.'. L)'dia Lelferta. Pellllion. Mahala Ford. PeDSion.lncreued. Rebecca 1. Bitner. Lydia 10D1111. Ellen Shannoo.