Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/346

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2022 May 28, ll128. [B. R . 13048.) SEVE:NTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I . CHs.964-967. 1928. OHAP. 964. -An Act For the relief of James Aloysius Manley. (Prlvak, No. 270.1 . Be it enacted by the Se1Wte 0JTUi H fYU8e of R6p!68entative8 01 tM le:~AloYSiuaMan- United Sto:te8 of America in Oong:ess OJJ8em1>led ~at the President Summ!>ned before of the Umted States be and· he 18 hereby authorized, to summon ~~uhere:a~g=io~ James Aloysius Manley', formerly captain'in the Chaplain Corps when di<!charged. of the RegUlar Army of the United States, before a retiring board, to inquire, whether at the time of his honorable discharge, Decem- ber 15, 19221 he was incapacitated for active service and. whether such incapacIty was the result of an incident of service, and whether said discharge should have been made; and upon the result of such inquiry the President is authorized to nominate and appoint, by and with the advice and consent .of the Senate, the saId James ~iDtment au- Aloysius Manley a captain in the Chaplain Corps and place him ~havleln~o~=~~ immediately thereafter upon the retired list of the Army, with the tired. . same privileges and retired pay as are now or may hereafter be pro- vided b"y law or regulation for officers of the Regular Army: Pro- ~~peJ',etc. videa, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, May 29, 1928. May 29, 1928. ~H. R. 12962.] OHAP. 966. - An Act To amend the Act entitled" An Act for the relief of [ vate, No. 271.) contractors and subcontractors for the post offices and other buildings and work under the supervision of the Trea8ury Department, and for other purposes," approved August 25, 1919, as amended by Act of March 6, 1920. Be it e'llMted by tM Senate and. H fJU8e 01 Representative8 of tM t!i:U:TarmstroBot (talk)' to, Urllited State8 01 A1MrWa in Oongre8s OJJ8em1Jled, That the Act of for 10118 on contract due Congress entitled "An Act for the relief of contractors and subcon- to war conditions. tractors for the post offices and other buildings and work under the supervision of the Treasury Department, and for other purposes," ~oJ. 41, pp . 281, fI .11 , approved August 25, 1919, as amended by Act of March 61.1920 1 be, and the same is hereby, amended so that said Act shall inc ude J. H . B. Wilder, of Macon, Georgia, the contractor for the United States post-office building erected at Forsyth, Georgia; and as to said J.H. B. Wilder, contractor, claims for reimbursement as pro- vided by said Act of August 25, 1919, as amended by Act of March 6, 1920, may be filed within three months after the passage of this Act. Approved, May 29, 1928. May 29, 1928. [H. R . 12311.) [PrIvate, No. 272.) OHAP. 966. - An Act To provide for the payment of compensation to William J. Tilaon. William 1. TilBon. Be it enacted 'by tM Sena'h ood H0'U8e 01 Repre8entatives 01 tM 1e~~I~r.n:sat~~tr~~I United State8 01 Ammica m Oon,gre88 as8emhled1 That notwith- JU~Beutho~. 313 standing the provisions of section 1761 of the ReVIsed Statutes, as ••, 8IC. ,p. • am e nded, William J. Tilson shall be paid the sum of $15,701.38 as compensation for services for the period from July 10, 1926, to March 17, 1928, during which time ne held the office of United States district judge for the middle district of Georgia. There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. May 29,1928. [H. R.12280.) [PrIvate, No. 273.) Lula Le1fIs. Paymenfto. Approved, May 29, 1928. OHAP. 967.- An Act For the relief of Lula Lewis. Be it erw.cted by the Senate and House 01 Representatives of tM United State8 of America in Oongre8s assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay,