Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/943

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TREATY......HONDURAS. DBCEMBER 7, 1927. 2619 reside in the territories of the other; to exercise liberty ofoon- science and freedom of wol8hip; to engage in professional, &ci.en. ti1ic, ie1igious, philantJJropicl manufacturing and commercial work of every kind without, inter~ ference; to ca.n:;r on every form of commercial activity which is not forbidden by. the local law; to own, erect or lease and occupy appropriate buil~ arid wlease lands for residential, 'scientific, religious, philanthtopic, 'manu· facturing, commercial and mort. uary purposeS; to elJlploy agentS of their choice, 8J;ld' generally to do anything in,cide~tal to. or necessary for the ~nloyment of any of the foregoing privileges upon the same terms as nation8ls of the State of residence or as nationals of the nation hereafter to be most favored by: it, submit- ting themselves to all local lawS and regulations' duly established. The nationals of either High Contracting Party within the territories of the other shall not be subjected to the payment of any internal charges or taxes other or higher than those that are exacted of and paid by its nationals. The nationals of each High Contracting Party shall enjoy freedom of access to the courts of justice of the other on con· forming to the local laws, as well for the prosecution as for the defense of their rights, and in all degrees of jurisdiction established by law. The nationals of each High Contracting Par~ shall receive within the territones of the other, upon submitting to conditions imposed upon its nationals, the most constant protection and security for theIr persons and property, and shall enjoy in this respect that degree of protection that is reguired by international law. TheIr propertv shall not be taken without due process of law and without pp.yment of just compensation. • Nothing contained in this Treaty shall be construed to affect existing statutes of either residir en los territorios de la otra; ejercer libertad de conciencia y de eulto; .ocup~ sin ninguna intervenci6n ell, empresa ow- 9uiera, profesional, Clentffioa., ra. ligiosa, filantr6pica, industrial y comercial que no este prohibida por las leyes locales; poseert.<:;<>~ truir, alquilar' y ocupar eaincios ap~'pia.4os y arre!ldar ti~rr~ pp,ra r8S1dencl8. U obletos clentifiCQs, religio80s, filantr6picos, industria- les, comerciales y mortuorios; elegir sus empleados, y en generall hacer todo 10 necesario para el goce de los antedichos objetos, en las mismas condiciones que los nacionales del Estado de su fa. sidencia 0 que los nacionales del pais que por eI sea ulteriormente mAs favorecido, 8Ometiendose siempre a todas las leyes locales ., reglamentos debidamente emiti- dos. Los nacionales de cua.lquiera Equalltyoftaxee,etc. de las Altas Partes Contratantes no estarlLn subjetos en los tem- torios de la otra al pago de ninguna contribuei6n 0 gravamen interior, otros 0 mayores, que aquellos. exigidos a y pagados por sus na.clOnaies. Lo . al dd Access to courts oC S naClon es. e ca a una Justice. de las Altas Partes Contratantes gozarlLn plena libertad de acceso a los tribunales de 10. otra, con- forme a las leyes locales, tanto para la demanda como para 10. defensa de sus derechos, en todas las instancias de derecho estable. cidas por 10. ley. Los riacionales de cada una Protection oC persons and property. de las Altas Partes Contratantes recibirlLn en el territorio de la otra, sujetandose a las condiciones impuestas a sus nacionalesla mas constante protecci6n y garantfa en' sus personas y propiedades, y gozarlm en este respecto el grado de protecci6n previsto P.9r el De. recho Internacional. No podra ser tomada su propiedad sino me. diante juicio legal y el pago de una justa. compensaci6n. Ninguna de 1M provisiones del a1f=~tionl8wsno* presente Tratado debe interpre. tarse en un sentido que afecte