Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1015

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cg. 848. 1930. et Prepa ration o f plans, The plans and specifications for all buildings provided for in this Act under appropriations administered by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall be prepared under the supervision of the municipal architect, and those for school buildings after consulta- tion with the Board of Education, and shall be approved by the commissioners and shall be constructed in conformity thereto . Exi tar equi red .

The sch ool buil dings aut horized and appr opriated for her ein shall be constructed with all doors intended to be used as exits or entrances Doers to open out- opening outward, and each of said buildings having an excess of ward . eight rooms shall have at least four exits . Appropriations carried in this Act shall not be used for the maintenance of school in any building unless all outside doors thereto used as exits or entrances unlocked on school days .

shall open outward and be kept unlocked every school day from . one-half hour before until one-half hour after school hours . Pol ice . Salaries, officers, etc . Vol.43,p.174. Ante, p . 839. Persona l servic es . Fuel . Repairs, etc . contingent expenses . Prevention and de- tection of crime . Provisos. Army mo unted equipment . Repairs to speedom- eters. METROP OLITAN POLICE SALA RIES For the pay and allowances of officers and members of the Metro- politan police force, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to fix the salaries of the Metropolitan police force, the United States park police force, and the fire department of the District of Colum- bia " (43 Stat., pp. 174 -175 ), including compensation at the rate of $2,100 per annum for the present assistant property clerk of the police department, $2,782,680. For personal services, $117 ,350. MISCELLANEOUS For fuel, $8,500. For repairs and improvements to police stations and station grounds, $10,000 . For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, including rewards for fugitives, purchase of modern revolvers and other firearms, maintenance of card system, stationery, city directories, books of ref- erence, periodicals, telegraphing, telephoning, photographs, rental and mai ntena nce o f te letyp e sys tem, gas, ice, was hing, meal s fo r prisoners, medals of award, not to exceed $200 for car tickets, not to exceed $3,000 for tuition and training in bullet-proof identifica- tion and ballistics, furniture and repairs thereto, beds and bed clothing, insignia of office, motor cycles, police equipments and re- pairs to same, repairs to vehi cles, va n, patrol wagons, and sad dles, mounted equipment, flags and halyards, storage of stolen or aban- doned property, and traveling and other expenses incurred in pre- vention and detection of crime, and other necessary expenses, includ- ing expenses of harbor patrol, $66,500, of which amount a sum not exceeding $2,000 may be expended by the major and superintendent of police for prevention and detection of crime, under his certificate, approved by the commissioners, and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended : Provided, That the War Department may, in its discretion, furnish the commissioners, for use of the police, upon requisition, such worn mounted equipment as may be required Provided further, That the commissioners are authorized to employ the electrician of the District Building to repair speedometers at such cost not exceeding $250 as they may approve, payment to be in addition to his regular compensation, and such services to be per- formed after regular working hours .