Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1033

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990 Sp eci al aut hor ity from comm issi oners for using . Proviso . Temporary work for exca vatio ns . Temporary laborers, etc ., wate r depart- me nt . Miscellaneous trust funds . Expenses payable from . Vol.33,p.368. Leaves of absence, if employed 10 monhs consecutively . Materials, su pplies, vehicles, etc . Purch ase d irec ted o f, fr om stock of Govern- men t activities no long- er needed. SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II . CH. 848 . 1930 . maintenance of said horses and harness, and maintenance and repair of said v ehicles , and p urchas e of al l neces sary a rticles and su pplies in connection therewith, or on construction and repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or construction work authorized by appropriations, may be purchased, hired, and main- tained and motor trucks may be hired exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations, when specifically and in writing ordered by the commissioners ; and all such expenditures necessary for the proper execution of said work, exclusive of personal services, shall be paid from and equitably charged against the sums appropriated for said work ; and the commissioners in the Budget estimates shall repor t the number of horses, veh icles, and ha rness purchas ed, and horses an d vehicles hir ed, and the s ums paid for same, and out of what appropriation ; and all horses owned or maintained by the Dis trict shall, so far as may be pra cticabl e, be provide d for i n stab les owned or operated by said District : Pr ovided , That such horses, horse-drawn vehicles, and carts as may be temporarily needed for hauling and excavating material in connection with works author- ized by appropriations may be temporarily employed for such purposes under the conditions named in section 2 of this Act in relation to the employment of laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics . SEC . 4. The commission ers are furth er authorized to employ tem - porar ily such labo rers, skilled laborers, and mechanics as may be required in connection with water-department work, and to incur all necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusive of personal serv- ices, incidental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof, said laborers, skilled laborers, and mechan- ics to be employed t o perform such work as may not be require d by existing law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and exp enses from th e appropriatio n under which such services are rendered and expenses incurred . SEC . 5 . That the commissioners are authorized to employ in the execution of work, the cost of which is payable from the appropria- tion account created in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, approved April 27, 1904, and known as the Miscellaneous trust-fund deposits, District of Columbia, all necessary inspectors, overseers, foremen, sewer tappers, skilled laborers, mechanics, laborers, special policemen stationed at street-railway crossings, one inspector of gas fittings, two janitors for laboratories of the Washington and George- town Gas Light Companie s, market mas ter, assistan t market maste r, watchman, two bookkeepers in the auditor's office, clerk in the office of th e colle ctor o f taxes , horse s, car ts, and wagons , and to hire there- for motor trucks when specifically and in writing authorized by the commissioners, and to incur all necessary expenses incidental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof, including the purchase, exchange, maintenance, and operation of motor vehicles for inspection and transportation purposes, such services and expenses to be paid from said appropriation account . Any person emp loyed under a ny of the prov isions of thi s Act who has been employed for t en consecutiv e months or m ore shall not be denied the leave of absence with pay for which the law provides . SEC . 6 . That the commissioners and other responsible officials, in expending appropriations contained in this Act, so far as possible shall purchase material, supplies, including food supplies and equip- ment, when n eeded and fun ds are availa ble, in accord ance with the regulations and schedules of the Gener al Supply Comm ittee or from the various services of the Government of the United States pos- sess ing mate rial , su ppli es, pass enge r-ca rryi ng a nd o ther mot or v ehi- cles, and equipment no longer required because of the cessation of