Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1117

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1074 Reappropriations . Vol. 45, p. 921 . Ante, p . 119 . Removal of plant . Emergency construc- tion . Coast Guar d. Public Health Serv- ice . Rural sanitation . Proviso . Subject to local con- tributions . War Department . Emergency construc- tion . Public works under . Ante, p . 432 . Military activities . Quartermaster Corps . Hospitals, construc- tion, etc .

Construction and roads, $42,500 . Military posts $730,030 . SEVENT Y-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 111. 1931 . numbered 214 and 216, abutting on Ninth Street and immediately adjoining the property of the United States Government, including the building thereon . The appropriations made for this project under the p rovisions of the S econd Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1 928, approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat . 921), and of the First Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1930, approved March 26, 1930 (46 Stat . 119), shall be availabl e for payment of s aid sum of $183,0 00, to be paid in full settlement and release of all claims and demands of whatsoever nature or character arising out of or in any manner connected with the acquisition hereunder authorized . The owner and occupant of the property authorized to be acquired hereunder shall be afforded a reasonable time, not exceeding twelve months from the date of approval hereof, within which to remove his plant therefroin and to another site. EMERGENCY CONSTRUCTION Coa st Guard : For rebuilding and repairing stations, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appro- priations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1931, $70,000. PUBLIC HEAT,TH SERVICE For special studies of, and demonstration work in, rural sanitation, including the purchase and distribution of medical supplies, in the drought-stricken areas, and including personal services, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $2,000,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropria- tion shall be available for demonstration work in rural sanitation unless the State, county, or municipality affected agrees to pay such proportion of the expenses of such demonstration work, as shall be required in regulations to be prescribed by the Public Health Service, in which due consideration shall be given to State and local economic cond itions and hum an nee ds, the extent and ci rcumsta nces of such cooperation in each case to be reported to Congress at the beginning of each regular session . WAR DEPARTMENT EMERG ENCY CONSTRUCTION For emergency construction of public works and repairs thereto, including the same objects specified in the War Department Appro- priation Act for the fiscal year 1931, approved May 28, 1930, for the purpose of increasing public employment, including the pro- curement of supplies, materials, equipment, and labor in order to accelerate construction work by the various arms, services, and bureaus of the War Department on projects already authorized by law, to remain available until expended, as follows MILITARY ACTIVITLES QU ARTERMASTE R CORPS repair of hospitals : For repair of buildings and For con stru ctio n, Army housing program, SEACOAST DEFENSES Post construction . Fortifications . Public works . Seacoast defenses, United States, Engineers : For the construction of a magazine, extension of wharf, and miscellaneous repairs, $92,700.