Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1127

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. CHs. 114, 117. 1931 . February 7, 1931 .

CHAP. 114 .-An Act To authorize the Sec retary o f War to lease G overnor s [H. R . 14043 .]

Island, Massachusetts, to the ci ty of Boston, Massachusetts, and for other [Public, No . 615.1

purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the M ass . ors Island, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary f°Tea P of, to o purposes, of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to lease to the city of Boston, auth orized .

Massachusetts, for airport purposes, the lands of the United States in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, known as Governors Island, includ- clU ndercvaterlands in- ing the underwater lands of the United States pertaining thereto ., for use as a municipal airport, such lease to be for such term or terms and subject to such terms and conditions as, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, shall be advisable . Improvements by SEC . 2 . Any lease or leases executed pursuant to this Act may muni cipality . provide for the grading and filling by the city of Boston of Gover- nors Island and the underwater lands pertaining thereto to such extent as in the opinion of the Secretary of War may be necessary in order t o render such pro perty su itable f or airpo rt purpos es . Federal boundaries SEC. 3. The Secretary of War may readjust and establish boundary to be readjusted . lines between the property of the United States, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and/or others owning lands adjacent to or in the neighborhood of Governors Island to such extent as in the opinion of the Secretary of War may be in the interests of the United States; and in effecting such adjustment of boundaries the Secretary of conveyances.

War is authorized to execute conveyances on behalf of the United States and to accept conveyances to the United States of such tract Extent of terms .

or tracts as may be necessary . The terms of this Act shall apply to any lands acquired in effecting the adjustment herein authorized . Reversionary clause . SEC. 4 . Any lease or leases executed by the Secretary of War under the authority of this Act shall reserve to the United States the right to utilize the present area of Governors Island, or the areas included within the boundary lines established as herein provided, for military purposes in case of need, and, in his discretion, to resume exclusive possession of the entire area of the lands of the United States or any part thereof for military purposes without cost or expense to the United States . Appr oved, Febr uary 7, 1 931 . February 10, 1931 . [S.6776 .]

CHAP. 1 17 .-An Act To provide for the advan ce planning and regula ted [Public, No . 616 .1

construction of public works, for the stabilization of industry, and for aiding in the prevention of unemployment during periods of business depression . Be it enacted b y the Senate and House of Representatives of the nation Employment Act of 193 1. 19st abn i' United States o America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the " Employment Stabilization Act of 1931 ." Definitions. DEFINITIONS SEC. 2 . When used in this Act- "Board ."

(a) The term "board" means the Federal Employment Stabiliza- tion Board established by section 3 of this Act; "United States."

(b) The term " United States," when used in a geographical sense, includes the several States and Territories and the District of Col umbia; "Public works emer- (c) The term " public works emergency appropriation " means an genet' appropriation ." ap propr iati on ma de in pur suanc e of supp lemen tal e stim ates trans - mit ted to t he Congre ss under the pro visions of this A ct . "construction agen- (d) The term "cons truc tion agenc ies " shall mean the following cie s ." departments, bureaus, and independent agencies and such others as Other designations . the President may designate from time to time :