Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1168

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SEVENTY -FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III. CH. 187. 1931 . For assisting Indians in the eradication of scabies in their sheep and goats, $60,000, which amount may be transferred by the Secre- tary of the Interior, with the approval of the Secretary of Agricul- ture, to the Bureau of Animal Industry for direct expenditure . For reconstruction and repair of the fence along the international boundary line between Mexico and the Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona , $15, 000 . DEVELOPMENT OF WATER SUPPLY Developing water supply : For improving springs, drilling wells, and otherwise developing and conserving water for Indian use, including the purchase, construction, and installation of pumping machinery, tanks, troughs, and other necessary equipment, and for necessary investigations and surveys for the purpose of increasing the available grazing range on unallotted lands on Indian reserva- tions ; not more than $100,000 for the Navajo Indians in Arizona and New Mexico, not more than $27,500 for the Papago Indians in Arizona, not more than $7,500 for the Pueblo Indian lands in New Mexico, and not more than $6,000 for the Hopi Indians in Arizona ; in all, $141,000 . Developing water supply (from tribal funds)

For improving

s pring s, dr illi ng we lls, and o ther wise devel opin g and cons ervi ng water for Indian use, including the purchase, construction, and installation of pumping machinery, tanks, troughs, and other neces- sary equip ment, and for neces sary inve stiga tions and surv eys f or the purpose of increasing the available grazing range on unallotted lands on Indian reservations : For the Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico, $5,00 0 ; for the Ut e Moun tain R eserva tion, Colorad o, $3, 000 ; for the Truxton Canyon Reservation, Arizona, $3,000 ; in all, $11,000 ; to be paid from funds held in trust for said tribes of Indians, respectively, by the United States . IR RIGA TION AND DRA INAG E 1125 Scabies in sheep and goats. Er adicat ion, et c . Papago Indian Reser- va tion, Ariz . Repairing boundary fence with Mexico . Water supply . Developing, conserv- ing, etc . Increasing grazing ranges, etc . Distribution . Improving, from trib- al fun ds. Reservations desig- nated . From trust funds . Irrigation and drain- age . Construction, main- te nance, etc ., of sys- tems of . Allotments to triots . For the construction, repair, and maintenance of irrigation sys- tems, a nd for purch ase or renta l of i rrigati on too ls and appli ances, water rights, ditches, and lands necessary for irrigation purposes for Indian reservations and allotments ; for operation of irrigation systems or appurtenances thereto when no other funds are applicable or available for the purpose ; for drainage and protection of irrigable lands from damage by floods or loss of water rights, upon the Indian Irrigation projects named below, in not to exceed the following amounts , resp ective ly Irr igation d istrict o ne : Colvi lle Re servat ion, W ashing ton, $7,300 ; Ir rigat ion distr ict t wo : Walker River Reserv ation, Nevada, $17,000 ; Fort McDermitt, Nevada, $1,200 ; Western Shoshone Reser- vation, Idaho and Nevada, $4,500 ; Shivwits, Utah, $800 ; Irrigation district four : Ak Chin Reservation, Arizona, $8,000 ; Chiu Chui pumping plants, Arizona, $4,500 ; Coachella Valley pump- ing plants, California, $2,000 ; Morongo Reservation, California, $3,500 ; Pala and Rincon Reservations, California, $6,000 ; mis cel - laneous projects, $5,000 ; Irrigation district five : New Mexico Pueblos, $10,000 ; Zuni Reser- vation, New Mexico, $31,500 ; Navajo and Hopi, miscellaneous proj- ects, Arizona and New Mexico, $23,400 ; Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado, $16,000 ; For necessary miscellaneous expenses incident to the general Administration . Ir rigati on engi neers, administration of Indian irrigation projects, including salaries of etc. one chief irrigati on engine er, one a ssistant chief irr igation e ngineer, dis.