Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1184

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S EVENT Y-FI RST C ONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 187 . 1931 .

1141 the purchase of machinery, $20,000 : Provided, That other than for sup ervision and engi neering only Ind ian labo r shall b e employ ed for such maintenance and repair work . ERECTION OF MONUMENTS

Erection of monu- ments . For all necessary expenses in the purchase and erection of a se ofr battle with marker or tablet on the site of the battle between the Nez Perces c omma nd of Nelson A . Indians under Chief Joseph, and the command of Nelson A . Miles, n l ies e,p. 169. as authorized by, and in accordance with, the Act of April 15, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 169), $2,500 . For the erection of a mo nument on the Cheyenne River A gency S ioux . eCheyenneRiver Res erve, So uth Dako ta, in m emory of decease d chiefs of the Meorial to, dying Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of Indians and men of that tribe who in world War service, died in service of the United States in the World War, as authorized Ante, p . 258. by, and in accordance with, the Act of April 29, 1930 (46 Stat ., p. 258), $1,500 . ANNUITIES AND PER CAPITA PAYMENTS Proviso . Indian labor. Annuities, etc . For fulfilling treaties with Senecas of New York : For permanent Sen ecas, N .Y . annuity in lieu of interest on stock (Act of February 19, 183 1, 4 Vol .4,p . 443. Stat ., p . 442), $6,000 . For fulfilling treaties with Six Nations of New York : For per- Vol . ati4s, N. Y. manent annuity, in clothing and other useful articles (article 6, treaty of November 11, 1794), $4,500 . For fulfilling treaties with Choctaws, Oklahoma : For permanent Vo hiet7wwP Ok la 212, . 99, annuity (article 2, treaty of November 16, 1805, and article 13, treaty 213,236. of June 22, 1855), $3,000 ; for permanent annuity for support of light horsemen (article 13, treaty of October 18, 1820, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $600 ; for per manen t ann uity for suppo rt of blacksmi th (artic le 6, tr eaty of October 18, 182 0, and article 9, treaty of January 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855) 1 ' $600 ; for permanent annuity for education (article 2, treaty of January 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $6,0 00 ; for permanent annuity for iron and steel (article 9, treaty of January Vol. 11, P . 614 . 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $320 ; in all, $10,520. To carry out the provisions of the Chippewa treaty of September Saint Croix Chip- 30, 1 854 (10 Stat., p. 1109), $10,000, in part set tlement of the amount, pePuchase of land for . $141,000, found due and heretofore approved for the Saint Croix Vol. 10, P .1169 Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, whose names appear on the final vol .3s, p. 605. roll prepared by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to Act of August 1, 1914 (38 Stat ., pp . 582-605), and contained in House Document Numbered 1663, said sum of $10,000 to be expended in the purchase of land or for the benefit of said Indians by the Commis- sioner of Indian Affairs : Provided, That, in the discretion of the Dis cretion ary cash Com missione r of Indi an Affai rs, the per capi ta share of any o f said pa y ments . Indians under this appropriation may be paid in cash . Appropriations herein made for road work and other

Ro ad, etc .,workai. physical propriations immedi • improvements in the Indian Service shall be immediately available . ately available. When, in the Judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, it is neces- Field Service aPpro- priations . sary for accomplishment of the purposes of appropriations herein made for the Indian field service, such appropriations shall be avail- Available for sup. able for pur chase of ice, rubber boots for use of employees, for travel plies, travel, etc. expenses of employees on official business, and for the cost of pack- ing, crating, drayage, and transportation of personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station . The appr opriatio ns for ed ucation of nativ es of Al aska and medical .~ 5bR tion, etc ., in relief in Alaska shall be available for the payment of traveling exp enses of new appo intees f rom Seat tle, Was hington, to their posts