Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1229

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Ca. 234. 1931 . R epairs a nd impr ove- Repairs and improvements : For procuring manure, soil ? tools, pur- ments. chasing trees, shrubs, plants, and seeds ; materials and miscellaneous supplies, including rubber boots and aprons when required for use by employees in connection with their work ; disposition of waste ; and the appropriation under this head for the fiscal year 1931 shall be available during the remainder of such fiscal year for disposition o f wa st e ; traveling expens es and per diem in lieu of subsistence of the director and his assistants not to exceed $975 ; street-car fares not exceeding $25 ; office equipment and contingent expenses in connection with repairs and improvements to Botanic Garden ; exchange, repair, maintenance and operation of motor trucks and passenger motor vehicle, and any passenger vehicle purchased hereunder shall not cost to exceed $2,000, including the value of any vehicle given in exchange ; purchase of botanical books, peri- odicals, and books of reference, not to exceed $100 ; general repairs to buildings, greenhouses, heating apparatus, packing sheds, store- rooms, and stables ; painting, glazing ; repairs to footwalks and roadways ; repairing and putting comfort stations in sanitary condi- tion ; repairs and improvements to director's residence ; care, main- tenance, and purchase of fuel for greenhouses, care and maintenance Popl ar Poin t N urs- of telephone, electric light, and water system, at the Poplar Point cry.

Nursery ; all under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Libr ary, $ 71,80 0 . The sum of $300 may be expended at any one time by the Botanic Garden for the purchase of plants, trees, shrubs, and other nursery stock, without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U.S. C.,title41,sec.5). Minor purchases without advertising. R. S., sec. 3709, p. 733 . U. S. C., p. 1309. Library of Congress. Librarian, and per- so nnel . Re gister of Copy- rights, etc . Legislative Reference Service . Card indexes . L IBR ARY OF CON GRE SS SALARI ES For the Librarian, Chief Assistant Librarian, and other personal services, $834,165 . For the Register of Copyrights, assistant register, and other per- sonal services, $247,940 . LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SERVICE P ersona l serv ices f or To enable the Librarian of Congress to employ competent persons designated work. to gather, classify, and make available, in translations, indexes, digests, compilations, and bulletins, and otherwise, data for or bear- ing upon legislation, and to render such data serviceable to Congress and committees and Members thereof, including not to exceed $5,700 for employees engaged on piecework and work by the day or hour at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $73,990 . DISTRIBUTION OF C ARD IN DEXE S Distribution service . For the distribution of card indexes and other publications of the L ibrary , inc luding pers onal servic es, f reigh t char ges ( not ex ceedi ng $500), expressage, postage, traveling expenses connected with such di stribution, expenses of attendance at meetings when incurred on the written authority and direction of the Librarian, and including not to exceed $56,510 for employees engaged in piecework and work by the day or hour at rates to be fixed by the Librarian ; in all, $110,500 . TEMPORARY SERVICES Temporary services- For special and temporary service, including extra special services of regular employees, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $3,000 .