Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1377

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 280. 1931 . Transportation of Transportation of families and effects of officers and employees families and effects . Paying offi cers, etc ., To pay the i temized and veri fied statements o f the actual and neces- trans it exp enses . sary expenses of transportation and subsistence, under such regula- tions as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe, of families and effects of officers and employees of the Bureau of Foreign and Dome stic C ommer ce in going to an d ret urning from their post s, or when trave ling under the order of the Secre tary of Com merce , and also for defraying the expenses of preparing and transporting the remains of officers and employees of the Bureau of Foreign and Transporting re- mains, etc . Domestic Commerce who may die abroad or in transit, while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in this country, or to a place not more distant for interment, and for the ordinary expenses of such interment, $60,000 ; Furnishing living quarters, etc

To enable the Secretary of Commerce, under such regulations as . he may prescribe, in accordance with the provisions of the Act Ante, p . 163 . entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled `An Act to establish in the Bureau of Foreign - and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Com mer ce, a F ore ign Com mer ce Serv ice of the United St ate s, and for other purposes,' approved March 3, 1927, " appr oved April 12, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 163), to furnish the officers in the Foreign Com- merce Service of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce stationed in a foreign country, without cost to them and within the R.S.,sec.1765,p.314. limits of this appropriation, allowances for living quarters, heat, u.S.C.,p.32.

and light, notwithstanding the provisions of section 1765 of the Revis ed Sta tutes (U . S. C., title 5, sec . 70), $210,000 ; Allowance to em- Employees of the bureau may be paid in lieu of all transportation p loy ees usi ng the ir a utomo biles .

expen ses no t to exceed 7 cents per mile for the use of their own automobiles when used for necessary travel on official business

Expenses of attend- Ap propr iatio ns he rein made for the Bu reau of Foreign and l ug xne etmgs, etc . Domestic Commerce shall be available for expenses of attendance at me etings conc erned with the pr omoti on of forei gn and dome stic commerce, or either, and also expenses of illustrating the work of the bureau by showing of maps, charts, and graphs at such meetings, when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Com- merce ; Minor purchases in The purchase of supplies and equipment or the procurement of foreign cou ntr ies in open market .

services for the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, in U.S.C,P.7039 . 03 forei gn cou ntrie s, may be made in open marke t wit hout c ompli ance w ith section 3709 of the R evised Statu tes of the Un ited States (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5), in the manner common among business men, when the aggregate amount of the purchase or the service does not exceed $100 in any instance ; Services in the Dis- Total, Bureau of Fo rei gn and Domestic Commerce, $5,334,122, of trict.

which amount not to exceed $2,055,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Census Bur eau . BUR EAU OF THE CENSUS Fif teent h Cens us .

For salaries and necessary expenses for preparing for taking, Salaries and expenses for taking, etc .

compiling, and publishing the Fifteenth Census of the United States and for carr ying o n dur ing th e dec ennial census period all other Ante, p . 21.

w ork au thori zed an d dir ected by law (Act June 18, 1 929, 46 Stat ., p . 21) , at a total cos t of not to exce ed $39,593,000, i ncluding rent services in the Dis- of office quarters in and outside the District of Columbia ; salaries trict .

of employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including Provisos .

temporary employees in the District of Columbia : Pr ovide d, That Leaves of f absence to such temporary employees in the District of Columbia may be temporary employees . allowed leave of absence with pay at the rate of two and one-half days per month ; the employment by contract of personal services