Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1396

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1353 cost of reports of decisions of the Federal courts and digests thereof for the use of the Commissioner General of Immigration ; refunding et Refund of head tax, of head tax, maintenance bills, immigration fines, registry fees, and reentry permit fees, upon presentation of evidence showing conclu- sively that collection and deposit was made through error of Gov- ernment officers ; and for all other expenses necessary to enforce said laws ; $10,534,160, of which sum $500,000 shall be immediately available, all to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Labor, of wh ich amo unt not to exc eed $38 5,530 m ay be e xpended Com miss ion er (ien - f or the sala ry of the Commi ssione r Gen eral and o ther p erson al se rvices in the Distri ct of Colum bia, inclu ding servi ces of per sons roast and land bor- authorized by law to be detailed there for duty, and $2,368,800 der pat rol, sh all be ava ilable onl y for coast and land border pat rol : Pr ovided, Provisos . Th at not to exceed $16 5,000 of th e sum here in appropr iated shal l be Motor vehicles . available for the purchase, exchange, operation, maintenance, and re pair of mo tor vehicl es, and of such sum o f $165,000 not more than $1 25,000 sha ll be avai lable for t he same pu rposes for the coast and land border patrol : Provided further, That the Commissioner Gen- All owa nce to em- ployees usi ng their eral of Immigration, with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, automobiles, etc . may contract with officers and employees stationed outside of the District of Columbia whose salaries are payable from this appropria- tion, for the use, on official business outside of the District of Colum- bia, of privately owned motor vehicles and horses, and the co nsidera tion a greed u pon sha ll be p ayable from th e funds herein appropriated : Provided further, That not to exceed $70,000 of the Allowances for living total amount herein appropriated shall be available for allowances quarters Ave, p. 818. fo r living q uarters, i ncluding he at, fuel, and light, as author ized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 818) . Imniigration stations : For remodeling, repairing (including Immigrant stations . repairs to the ferryboat, Ellis Island), renovating buildings, and Remodeling, etc . purchase of equipment, $400,000 . BUREAU OF NATURALIZATION

Naturalization Bu- reau . Salaries and expenses : For the expenses of carrying on the work Salaries and expenses . of the Burea u of Natur alization, as provide d in the A cts author izing a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens throughout the U nited State s, an d est ablis hing t he Bu reau of Na turali zatio n, 3i`p.3 4, Vo196


40, p. approved June 29, 1906, and March 4, 1913, and subsequent Acts si- u s. e .,p. is.; snpp. (U. S. C., title 8, sees. 331-416 ; U. S. C., Supp. III, title 8, sees. Iv, p.66. 355--384) ; including personal services ; traveling expenses, and not to exceed $400 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned Attendance at meet- with the naturalization of aliens when incurred on the written ings" authority of the Secretary of Labor ; street-car fare, telegrams, verifications of legal papers, telephone service in field offices and telephone toll service in the bureau ; necessary supplies and equip- ment for the Naturalization Service ; refunding of naturalization f ees up on pres entatio n of ev idence showing conclu sively that th e collection and deposit was made through error ; not to exceed $25,000 for rent of offices outside of the District of Columbia where suitable Outside rent. quarters can not be obtained in public buildings ; and for mileage and fees to witnesses subpoenaed on behalf of the United States, the expenditures from this appropriation to be made in the manner and under such regu lations as the Secret ary of Lab or may pre scribe, $1,149,02 0, of whic h not to ex ceed $272, 280 may be expended for the Commi ssioner, etc . salary of the commissioner and other personal services in the bureau in the District of Columbia : Provided, That no part of this appro- Clerks of Federal priation shall be available for the compensation of assistants to courts excluded . clerks of United States courts .