Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1434

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III . Cu. 282 . 1931 . operation of the air mail, and for all necessary expenses in con- nection therewith, including rental of stables and storerooms, livery and extra labor, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor trucks, this sum to be expended in accordance with the provisions of sec- tions 7 and 8 of the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1912 (36 Stat ., pp . 1008-1011, sec . 7), and with the provisions of the District of Columbia A ppropriation A ct for the fiscal year 1913 (37 Stat ., pp . 181-184, sec . 7), and other laws appli- cable thereto, and includin g not to exce ed $26,000 for operation and main tena nce of e lect ric traf fic ligh ts, sign als, and controls, $1,009,000 : Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for the payment of rates for electric street lighting in excess of those authoriz ed to be paid in the fisca l year 1927, a nd payment for electric current for new forms of street lighting shall not exceed 2 cents per kilowatt-hour for current consumed : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for the pay- ment on any contract required by law to be awarded through com- petitive biddi ng, which is not awarded t o the lowest r esponsible bidder on specifications, and such specifications shall be so drawn as to admit of fair competition . For the purpose of making a study of the power needs of the District of Columbia with a view to establishing a municipally owned and operated service therefor, including the employment, by contract or otherwise, of such expert and other personal services as shall be approved by the commissioners, without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, traveling expenses (including traveling expenses previously incurred and that may be incurred prior to July 1, 1931), and necessary incidental expenses, $15,000 ; and the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931 is continued available until June 30, 1932 . PUBLIC SCHOOLS For p ersonal servi ces of adminis trative and s upervisory off ic ers in accordance with the Act fixing and re gulating the s alaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the Board of Edu- cation of the District of Columbia, approved June 4, 1924 (43 Stat ., pp . 367-375), including salaries of presidents of teachers' colleges in the salary schedule for first assistant superintendents, $665,440 . For personal services of clerks and other employees, $161,160 . For personal services in the department of school attendance and wo rk erm its in accor dance with the Ac t appr oved June 4 , 1924 (43 tat ., pp . 367-375), the Act approved February 5, 1925 (43 Stat . pp . 806-808), and the Act approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 998), $39,900 . For p ersonal servi ces of teacher s and librari ans in accordance with the Act approved June 4, 1924 (43 Stat ., pp . 367-375), includ- ing for teachers' colleges assistant professors in salary class seven, and professors in salary class twelve, $6,399,200 : Pro vid ed, That as teacher vacancies occur during the fiscal year 1932 in grades one to four inclusive of the elementary schools, such vacancies may be filled by the assignment of teachers now employed in kindergartens, and teachers employed in kindergartens are hereby made eligible to teach in the said grades . No pa rt of any app ropriation mad e in this Act shall be pai d to any person employed under or in connection with the public schools of the District of Columbia who shall solicit or receive, or permit Vol . 36, p. 1008 . Vol.37, p.1S1. Traffic signals, etc . Prn„isos . Electric street light . jug rates. Awards to low est c ompet itor . Study of power needs . Balance reappropri- aterl . A§te, p. 966. Public schools . A dmini stra tive and supervisory officers . Vol. 43, p. 368. 1391 Clerks, etc . School attendance and wo rk permit de. partment . Vol . 43, pp. 367-375, 806-808. Vol. 45, p. 998. Teachers, libr arians, etc. Vol 43, pp. 367-375. Proviso. Ass ign men t of kin . dergarten teachers . Sol iciting subs crip . tions, etc ., in schools prohibited .