Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/15

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xv ii Page. Bri dge, Ohio River . An Act Granting t he consent of Congre ss to Louisville and Nashville Rail road Company to cons truct, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge across the Ohi o Ri ver at or ne ar Henderson, Kentucky . May 13, 1930 270 Hospital for defective delinquents . An Act To establish a hospital for defective delinquents . May 13,1930 270 United States courts, Board of Parole . An Act To amen d an Act providing for the parole of United States prisoners, approved June 25, 1910, as amended . May 13, 1930 272 Federal prisons, Public Health Service in . An Act To authorize the Public Health Service to provide medic al service i n the Federa l prisons . May 13, 1 930 273 Br id ge, White River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Arkansas State High- way Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the White River at or near Sylamore, Arkansas. May 13, 1930 273 Binghamton, N . Y ., sale of post-office site . An Act To a utho rize the sale of the Gov ernme nt property acqu ired for a p ost-office s ite in Bingha mton, New Yo rk . May 13 . 1930-_-_ 273 Akron, Ohio, sale of post-off ce site . An Act To authorize the sale of the Government property acquired for a post-office site in Akron, Ohio . May 13, 1930 274 Army, Catoosa Springs, Ga ., target range . An Act To authorize the exchange of certain lands adjoining the Catoosa Springs (Georgia) Target Range . May 13, 1930-- -- 274 Dover, Del ., sale of post-office site . An Act To sell the present post-office site and building at Dover , Del aware . May 13, 1930 275 Army, Maxwell Field, Ala . An Act To authorize the acquisition for military purposes of land in the county of Montgomery, State of Alabama, for use as an addition to Max- well Fi eld . May 13, 1930 275 Trenton, N . J ., part of building site conveyed to city . An .Act Authorizing conveyance to the city of Trent on, New Jers ey, of title to a portion of the site of the pres ent Federal building in that city . May 13, 1930 275 Wichita, Kans ., old post-office site dedicated to city . An Act To dedicate for street purposes a portion of the old post-office site at Wichita, Kansas . May 13, 1930 276 Babb-Piegan, Mont ., inspection station . An Act To amend the Act of Congress app ro ved May 29, 1928, authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to accept title to certain real estate, subje ct to a rese rvation of m ineral rights in favor of the Blackfe et Tribe of India ns . May 13, 1930 276 Br idge, Ohio Rive r . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the con- struction of abridge acro ss the Ohio River at or n ear Wellsbur g, West Virg inia . May International Petroleum Exposition . Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to invite the States of the Union and foreign countries to participate in the International Petroleum Exposition at Tulsa, Oklahoma, to be held October 4 to October 11, 1930, inclusive . May 13,1930 277 Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing Company . Joi nt Resolutio n Authorizin g the settle ment of the case of United States against the Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing Company, pending in the United States District Court in and for the District of Delaware . May 13, 1930--

277 Fr emont Nati onal Fores t, Or eg . An Act To add certain lands to the Fremont National Forest in the State of Oregon . May 14, 1930 278 Petrified Forest National Monument, Ariz . An Act To authorize exchanges of lands with owners of private-land holdings within the Petrified Forest National Monument, Arizona . May 14, 1930 278 Carlsbad Caverns National Park, N . Mex. An Act To establish the Carlsbad Caverns Na- tional Park i n the State of New Mexic o, and for ot her purposes . May 14, 1930 279 Appropriations, Department of the Interior, fiscal year 1931 . An Act Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, and for other purposes . May 14, 1930 279 Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons . An Act To reorg anize the ad ministration of Federal prisons ; to authorize the Attorney General to contract for the care of United States prisoners ; to establish Federal jails, and for other purposes . May 14, 1930 325 Bu reau of St andar ds, h ydrau lic l abora tory . An Act Authori zing the establishme nt of a na- tiona l hy drau lic laboratory in the Bureau of S tand ards of the Department of Com- merce and the construction of a building therefor . May 14, 1930 327 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a br idge across the Miss ouri River at or nea r Randolph, Missouri . May 14,1930 328 White House police, D . C . An Act To autho rize a neces sary increas e in the Whit e House poli ce force . May 14,1930 Navy, public works ordered . An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes . May 14, 1930 329 Br idge, Ohio Rive r . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the con- struction of abridge acro ss the Ohio River at or n ear Carrollt on, Kentucky . May 14, 1930 . 333 Bridge, French Broad River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Hig hway De- partm ent of the State of Tenn esse e to cons truc t a bridge across the French Bro ad River on the Dandridge-Newport Road, in Jefferson County, Tennessee . May 14, 1930 333