Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1514

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. III . CHs . 373-375. 1931 .

1471 be, granted, where the right of such permittee or lessee was initiated prior to such location, to use so much of the surface of the land as may be necessary for prospecting for, mining, and removing the oil and gas deposits therein without compens ation to the loca ter or patentee, in accordance with section 29 of the Act of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat . 437) . Vol . 41, p. 437. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever any O kl a eCivilizedTribes, nontaxable land of a restricted Indian of the Five Civilized Tribes ofR stsedla me so mb er is sold to the State of Oklahoma, or to any county or municipality may select other. therein, for public-improvement purposes, or is acquired, under existing law, by said State, county, or municipality by condemnation or othe r pr oceed ings for such publi c pu rpose s, or is sold under existing g law to anyother person or corporation for other purposes, Prolied ceeds of thereon . sale to be the money received for said land may, in the discretion and with the applied of the Secretary of the Interior, be reinvested in other lands selected by said Indian and such land so selected and purchased s tri lie ons in g,leasingre- shall be restricted as to alienation, lease, or incumbrance, and nontaxable in the same quantity and upon the same terms and conditions as the nontaxable lands from which the reinvested funds were derived and such restrictions to appear in the conveyance . Approved, March 2, 1931 . March 2, 1931. CHAP. 375 .-An Act For the retirement of employees of the Panama Canal [H . R .15865 .] and the Panama Railroad Company, on the Isthmus of Panama, who are citi- [Public, No . 781 .] zens of the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all employees Retirement of Fed-of the of the Panama Canal on the Isthmus of Panama, and all employees PanamasCanl, etc . of the Pan ama Railroad Company, on the I sthmus of Panama, who are citizen s of the United S tates an d whose tenure of employm ent is not intermittent nor of uncertain duration, shall come within the pro visions of this A ct . AUT OMAT IC S EPAR ATIO N Automatic separa- tion. SEC . 2 . All employees to whom this Act applies shall, after reach- 62 y eas reachi ng age of ing the age of sixty -two yea rs and h aving re ndered at least f ifteen years of service on the Isthmus of Panama, be automatically sepa- rated from the service and retired on the annuity provid ed for salary, etc., to cease. herein ; and all salary, pay, or compensation shall cease from that Proviso . date : Provided, That if the Governor of the Panama Canal certifies Temporary retention to the Civil Service Commission that b reason of his efficient and upon certis°ate by 3'


Governor . willingness to remain in the service, the continuance of such emp loyee th erein wo uld be advantageous to the service, su ch employee may be retained for a term not exceeding two years, upon the approval and certification by the Civil Service Commission, and, at the end of the two-year term, by similar approval and certifi- cation, be continued for an additional term not exceeding two years Approved, March 2, 1931 . March 2, 1931 . CHAP . 374 .-An Act To relieve restricted Indians in the Five Civ ili zed [H. R .15263.] Tribes whose nontaxable lands are required for State, county, or municip al [ Public, No. 78 0 .] improvements or sold to other persons or for other purposes .