Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1599

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 522. 1931 . Major . General John Removal of the statue of Major General John A . Rawlins : For ATransfers of statue to the removal to and erection in Rawlins Park, District of Columbia,, R awlins Park, n. c . Post, p. 1627 .

of the statue of Major General John A . Rawlins fiscal year 1931, $1,500. Smi thsonian Institu-

SMITHSONIAN IN STI TUT ION tion. Pre servation of col- lections . Preservation of collections, National Museum : For an additional amount for the preservation f collections, National Museum, includ- ing the same objects specified under this head in the "Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1932," $1,620 . Building . al History Plans for additions to Natural History Building, National Additions. Museum : For preparation of architect's plans for additions to the Natural History Building of the United States National Museum, including necessary expenses in connection therewith, as authorized Ante, p. 786,

by the Act approved June 19, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 785), fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $10,000 . Veterans' Adminis- tration .

VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION T empor ary sa larie s a nd expenses .

Administration, Medical, Hospital, and Domiciliary Service, Vet- A st,p p 6 1 2373, 1550 . erans' Administration : For an additional amount for temporary salaries and expenses of the Veterans' Administration, fiscal year 1932, to be immediately available, including the same objects speci- fied under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1932, $2,000,000, of which such amounts as may be necessary may be Printing, etc . ,

transferred to the printing and binding appropriation of the Adjusted service cer- tificate blanks .

Veterans' Administration for the fiscal years 1931 and 1932 to meet Ante, p.1429.

the cost of printing blank forms incident to the making of loans on adjusted service certificates under the Act of February 27, 1931 . Salaries and expen- Salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau : For an additional amount ses . for salaries and expenses, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Veterans' Bureau for the fiscal year 1931, $615,300 . ing Printing and bind- Printing and binding, Veterans' Bureau : For an additional amount for printing and binding, including the same objects speci- fied under this head in the Acts making appropriations for the Vet- erans' Bureau for the following fiscal years : For 1929, $37 .72 ; For 1930 , $30, 000 . Military and naval Military and naval compensation, Veterans' Bureau

For an addi-

compensation . tional amount for the payment of military and naval compensation accruing during the fiscal year 1931 or in prior fiscal years, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Ac t making appropriations for the Veterans' Bureau for the fiscal year 1931, $18,150,000 . services . and hospital Medical and hospital services, Veterans' Bureau : For an additional amount for medical, surgical, dental, dispensary, and hospital serv- ices and facilities, accruing during the fiscal year 1931 or in prior fiscal years, and so forth, including the same objects as specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Veterans' B ureau for t he fiscal y ear 1931, $ 4,000,000 . Ad justed -serv ice ce r- Adju sted- servic e cer tific ate fu nd : The amou nt ap propr iated b Y tifieate fund . Fund im med iat ely the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1932, under the heading 8Antelp.1375 .

"Adjusted-service certificate fund " shall be available on the date of the approval of this Act . Bureau of Pensions. Salaries Bureau of Pensions : Not to exceed $11080 of the a ro- Salaries.


pp Ante, p . 877.

priation of $100,000 in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1930, specifically for the payment of salaries of temporary employees, is