Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1612

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III . Ca. 522 . 1931 . and adminis tration o f Indian propert y under the juris diction of the Mission Ag ency, California, to be paid f rom funds held by the United States in trust for the Indians of this jurisdiction, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $4,000 . Fees and expenses, litigation involving Osage mineral rights, Oklahoma (tribal funds) : For attorney fees and all other expenses in connection with litigation involving the validity of Acts of Con- gress relating to ownership of mineral rights in and to lands within the Osage Nation, Oklahoma, as authorized by and in accordance with the Act approved January 31, 1931 (Public Act Numbered 583, Seventy-first Congress), fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $25,000, pay- able from funds on deposit in the Treasury to the credit of the Osage Tribe of Indians . Monument at Old Crossing, Minnesota : For the erection of a monument and historical tablets at the site known as Old Crossing, Minnesota, to commemorate the signing of the treaty of October 2, 1863, between the United States and the Chippewa Indians, as authorized by and in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved January 31, 1931 (Public Act Numbered 577, Seventy-first Congress), fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $5,000 . BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Advances to the reclamation fund : To carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize advances to the reclamation fund, and for other purposes," approved March -, 1931, $5,000,000 . Out of t he Re clama tion Fund Milk River project, Montana : For continuation of construction, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $11,000 . Seco ndary proj ects : For conti nuat ion o f inv esti gatio ns of the Seminole Dam and Reservoir and other possible storage sites and power development in connection with proposed and existing reser- voirs on the North Platte River and its tributaries in Wyoming, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $75,000 : Provided, That nothing done in pursuance hereof or under the authority hereof, shall be construed to initiate or enlarge or constitute any water right or appropriation of water, or any priority of appropriation of water whatever . North Platte project, Nebraska-Wyoming : For the purpose of enabling the Secretary of the Interior to construct rural trunk trans- mission lines, including necessary transformers, into farm settle- ments, communities, and municipalities within the North Platte irrigat ion project, the inhabitants of whi ch are able to finance feeder or distrib ution sys tems and to guar antee to the pow er system a fair measure of profit, not to exceed $30,000 shall be available from the power revenues of the Lingle and Gue rnsey power plants, North Platte irrigation project . GEOLOGICAL SURV EY General expenses : The appropriation of $744,000 for topographic surveys contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1c31 is hereby made available for the following pur- poses, during the fiscal years mentioned, in not to exceed the amounts stated : For gaging streams, fiscal year 1931, $55,000 ; for enforce- ment of the mineral leasing acts, fiscal y ear 1931, $20,000 ; fo r su pe r- vising mining operations on leased Indian lands, fiscal year 1931, 57894o--31 99 From trust funds . Osages, Okla . Mineral rights litiga- tion, attorneys, etc . Ante, p. 1047. From tribal fund s . 1569 Old Crossing, Red Lake River, Minn . Monument co m- memorating signing In- dian treaty at . Ante, p. 1045 . Reclamation Bureau . Advances to recla- mation fund. Ante, p. 1507 . (From Reclamation Fund.) Mi lk Ri ver, Mont ., project . Secondary projects . Sem inole Dam an d Reservoir, Wyo . Proviso . Water rights . North Platte, Nebr . - Wyo . Add itional . Geo logical Sur vey . General expenses. Specified projects, payable fr om topo- graphic surveys fund .