Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1641

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SEVE NTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. III . Ca. 522 . 1931 . New ca stl e, Wyo .

Newcastle, Wyoming, post office, and so forth : For construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $60,000 . New Kensington, Pa. New Kensington, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth : The Cost increased . Ante, p . 901 .

limit of cost fixed in Act approved July 3, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 901), is hereby increased from $240,000 to $285,000 . New L ond on, Conn . New London, Connecticut, post office, and so forth : For acquisi- tion of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $420,000 . W. New Martinsville, New Martinsville, West Virginia, post office, and so forth : For construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $75,000 . coN thous ork, N . Y,, New York, New York, courthouse : For construction of a building, Acce ptanc e of site under an estimated total cost of $8,250,000 ; and the Secretary of mentet to existing ease- the Treasury is hereby authorized to accept title to the site author- Ante, p . 901 .

ized to be acquired under Act of July 3, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 901), su bjec t to exis ting ease ment for subw ay . Parcel-post building . New York, New York, parcel-post building, and so forth : The Act increasing hea tin g, of March 4, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1660), is hereby amended so as to etc ., capacity.

permit the Secretary of the Treasury to increase the boiler capacity in said build ing s uffic iently to s upply stea m to t he po st-of fice build - amendea5, p. 1680, ing and the annex thereto, and constr uct a connecting steam line between said buildings, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby Connecting pipe line further authorized to accept a franchise from the city of New York with post o ffice . t o run a pipe line betwe en th e par cel-p ost bu ildin g and the post-o ffice building, and to enter into a contract with said city to abide by the terms, conditions, and requirements of such franchise . Niagara Falls, N. Y. Niagara Falls, New York, post office : For acquisition of additional land, and extension and remodeling of building, under an estimated total cost of $200,000 . Noes, Ohio . Niles, Ohio, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of additional land and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $130,000 . Noblesville, Ind .

Noblesville, Indiana, post office, and so forth

For construction of

a building, under an estimated total cost of $80,000 . Norfolk, Va ., post of- flee, etc .

Norfolk, Virginia, post office, courthouse, customhouse, and so P i r m o i ofccoottrreeedacedt

forth : The limit of cost fixed in Act of July 3, 1930 (46 Stat ., Ante, p . 901 .

p . 901), is hereby changed from $2,050,000 to $1,925,000, and the title of such project is hereby changed to "Post office, courthouse, and so forth ." Marine hospital . Norfolk, Virginia, marine hospital : For construction of new buildings, extension and remodeling of buildings, additional approach work and outside service lines, under an estimated total Nor th Little Rock, cost Of $800,000 . Ark .

No rth Litt le Ro ck, Arka nsas, pos t of fice, and so forth : For con- Norwich, N.Y.

struction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $110,000 . Norwich, New York, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of Norwood, Mass .

$130,000 . Norwood, Massachusetts, post office, and so forth : For a cqui sitio n of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost oak Park 111 .

of $130, 000 . Oak Park, Illinois, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimate d total cost of Oberlin, Ohio .

$600,000 . Oberlin, Ohio, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and Ogden, Utah .

construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $105,000 . Ogden, Utah, Forest Service Building : For acquisition of site and Oma ha, Nebr. construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $300,000 . New building on Omaha, N ebraska, Federal Off ice Building : For demol ition of former post office site' building and construction of a new building on a site owned by the