Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1773

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INDEX. . C1 Interior Department-Continued. Page Five Civilized Tribes, restricted mem- bers of, whose land sold, may select other__________________________ 1471 Fort Berthold Indians, pro rata dktri- bution of judgment funds________ 1481 Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho; per acre charge on irrigable land to be fixed_____________________ 1062 F'raz~r, Mont., high school available to InJian children_ __ __ _____ ____ __ _ 1106 Grand Valley reclamation project, con- tracts authorized for sale ')f surplus power_________________________ 1202 Hot Springs National Park, Ark., addi- tions to___ ___________ ___ __ ____ _ 1106 Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital in, lllortgage of, authorized_ ______ 1462 Retention of hotel site authorized_ __ 1109 Indian Service, road, etc., work app:o- priations immediately available_ __ 1141 Institutions for benefit of Indians may accept donations, etc___________ 1106 Irrigation projects, sale of unplatted lands__________________________ 1107 Menominee Indians, Wis., per capita payment, from tribal funds______ 1102 Employment of attorneys for____ .:_ 1468 Minidoka reclamation project, title in certain lands quitclaimed to Ru- pert, Idaho_____________________ 1102 National Park Service, appropriation for emergency construction, roads and trails improvement_ ________ 1031 Miscellaneous provisions governing_ _ 381 National parks, sum authorized for con- struction of approaches to_______ 1053 Uniform administration of, provided_ 1043 Owyhee River, investigation for dam construction across, authorized ___ 1458 Papago Indians, acquisition of lands fo!, benefit oL______________________ 1202 Predatory animals, 10-year cooperative program for eradication oL _ _____ 1468 Public Lands, Wyoming, explo!;ation of certain, for mineral deposits per- mitted____ ________ ____ __ __ __ ___ 1470 Puyallup Indians, distribution of tribal funds__________________________ 1526 Reallocations, transfers from appropri- ations to meet _______________ 280,1116 Reclamation Bureau, annual payments from reclamation fund suspended for two ycars___________________ 1069 Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn., sale of timberland authorized_____ 1102 Road construction within Indian reser- vation restored to Federal Highway Act_____••••• _••• _.___________ 1173 Interior Department-Continued. Pare Shoshone Indians, Wyoming, additional per capita payment to, authorized_ 1060 Stock-raising homestead entries, extent of allowed_____________________ 1454 Sullys Hill National Park, N. Dak., transferred to Department of Agri- culture________________________ 1509 Supreme Court Building, disbursement of funds for construction oL_____ 51 Temecula Indian Reservation, lands addedto_______________________ 1201 TItle to certain public lands in Louisi- ana confirmed_ __________ ______ _ 1101 Transfer of appropriations, from Veter- ans' Bureau authorized__________ 247 To Personnel Classification Board__ 865 Trust patents may be issued under, to Indians on unincumbered lands___ 1205 Uintah National Forest, value of coal deposits to be ascertained________ 1092 Utah, exchange of lands with_________ 1104 White Earth Indian Reservation, Minn., sale of certain land within, to Min- nesota_________________________ 110S Wind Cave National Park, S. Dak., enlarged_______________________ 151S Wyoming, Idaho compact, representa- tive of, to participate____________ 1039 Yorktown Battlefield, Va., extended___ 1490 Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commis- sion, assistance by _ _ _________ __ _ 776 Zuni Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., land titlcs_ - ____ ______ __ ___ _________ 1509 Interlinings, duty on__________________ 645 Internal Revenue Bureau. See also Treas- ury Department. Stamps, redemption of, on tobacco, etc______________________________ 1510 International Astronomical Union, appro- priation for contribution_ _______ 182, 131S International Boundary Commission, United State~Canada, Alaska- Canada, appropriation for ______ 180,1315 International Boundary Line, Mexico- Arizona, appropriation for fence reparr___________________________ 1125 International Bureau for Publication of Customs Tariffs, appropriation for contribution___________________ 179, 1314 International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, appropriation for contribution________________ 180,1315 International Bureau of the Telegraphic Union, Berne, Switzerland, appro- priation for contribution ________ 181,1317 International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property, appropriation for contribution___ 183, 13180