Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1790

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cxvili INDEX. Limestone Creek, N. C ., preliminary ex- Page amination of, to be made_ _ ________ 936 Limestone, Me.: Appropriation for public building aL_ 351 Inspection station, authorized_ _ ______ 120 Lincoln, Abraham, a.ppropriation for care of house where, died ___________ 240,1368 Lincoln Birthplace Memorial, Ky., ap- propriationforpreservation_ 461, 1075, 1305 Lincoln County, Oreg., Mill Four Drain- age District, construction of dams anddikes________________________ 767 Lincoln Memorial, D. C., appropriation for maintenance, etc ___________ 240,1368 Lincoln Park Commissioners, Chicago, jurisdiction over certain waters of Lake Michigan granted to_________ 1493 Lindbergh, Col. Charles A., medal for, appropriation continued available___ 118 Linen, duty on_______________________ 644 Linoleum, duty on____________________ 646 Linotype, on free list_ _ ___ ___ ____ ______ 676 Linseed Oil, duty on _______________ ; .. __598 Linters Statistics, collection and publi\!8. - tion of, by Census Bureau_ _ _ ______ 821 Linthicum-Moses Act. See Foreign Serv- ice Act, 193L Linton, Ind., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 1595 Lions Club, Shelbyville, Tenn., naval vessel bell presented to____________ 267 Liqueurs, duty OD_____________________ 639 Liquor Traffic, appropriatioD for sup- pressing ________________ 1119,1157, 1565 Liquor Traffic in Africa, appropriation for contribution to Central International Office ________________________ 114,1320 Liquors: Allowance for leakage_ _ _____________ 640 Entered without permit, seized and forfeited_ ___________ ___________ 640 Litharge, duty on_ _____ ___ ___ ____ ____ _ 600 Lithium. duty on_____________________ 600 Lithographs: Duty on___________________________ 655 Plates for________________________ 617 On free list- Prints ___________ ~_______________ 675 Stones for________________________ 678 Lithopone, duty on____________________ 600 Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia, appro- priation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to____________________________ 175,1310 Litmus, on free list____________________ 673 Little Bay, bridge authorized across, at Fox Point, N. H__________________ 1170 Li!tle Calumet River: Page Bridges authorized across, in Cook County, 111_____________________ 135 At Cottage Grove Avenue _ _ _ ______ 1496 Halstead Street________________ 135,1100 One hundred fifty-ninth StreeL_____ 859 One hundred fortieth Street_ _______ 135 Preliminary examination of, to be made_ 942 Little Colorado River Bridie, Ariz., ap- proaches to_ _ _____ ____ ___ _____ __ _ 303 Little Kanawha River, W. 'Va., preliminary examination of, to be made________ 941 Little Machipongo River, Va., improv&o ment of, authorized_______________ 921 Little Red River, Ark., water pipe line under, legalized__ __ ___ ___ _____ ____ 766 Little River, bridge authorized across, at Morris Ferry, ArL _ _ _ ____________ 800 Little Rock, Ark.: Appropriation for public building at_ 351, 1585 Army air depot leased to city_________ 1549 Little Sarasota Bay, Fla., preliminary ex- amination of, to be made__________ 939 Little White Salmon Station, Wash., pur- chase of, etc______________________ 372 Littleton, N. H., appropriation for public building at_ _____ _______ _____ _____ 1595 Live Oak Naval Reserve, La., title of cer- tain purchasers of lands confirmed_ _ 1101 Livestock: Forest Service, indemnification to em- ployees of, for losses oL _ ________ 1052 Importation of, prohibited if exposed to infection within 60 days_________ 1460 Livestock and Agriculture, provisions for taking a census oL________________ 25 Living Quarters, etc., Government em- ployeesabroad to befurnished with_ 163,818 Load Lines, International Conference on: Participation in, authorized_ ____ _____ 265 Appropriation for_________________ 886 Load Lines on American Vessels, appro- priations for enforcing law regulat- ing ______________________ 101,200,1336 Loadstones. on free list________________ 679 LQbsters, on free lisL __ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ 681 Lock Washers, duty on________________ 616 Lockport, N. Y ., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 1595 Locks, duty on_______________________ 627 Locomotives: Appropriation for inspection _______ 238, 1365 Dutyon _________________________ 618,625 Tires____________________________ 615 On free list, for special purposes_ _ _ ___ 690 Locust Beans, on free list______________ 682 Logan Circle, D. C., name of Iowa Circle changedto_______________________ 1026 Logs, on free list________ .. ___________ 677,684