Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1806

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· CXXXlV INDEX National Capital. See also District of Paee National Forests-Continued. Paee Columbia. Reforestation of _ __ __________ __ _____ 527 Park, etc., system in, extension to Maryland and Virginia__________ 482 Regulations governing building con- struction in_ __ ______ __ _________ 366 National Capital Park and Planning Com- mission: Appropriation forexpensesoL 986,1367, 14!1 Deficiency appropriation for George Washington Memorial Parkway __ 864 George Washington Parkway, accep- tance, etc., of lands for, by auth- o~d_________________________ 483 Stephen T. Mather Memorial to be pro- vided by_______________________ 1528 National Cemeteries, appropriations for maintenance, etc__________ 458, 1075, 1302 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. appropriation for support oL ________________ 957,1384 National Defense Act: Officers Reserve Corps, status of, not on active duty_______ __ __ __ __ ____ _ 841 State-owned property used in Federal service, 1917, credit allowed for___ 829 National Forests: Appropriation for-- Administration, etc ____________ 408,1257 Appraising timber, etc., for sale____ _ 1259 Emergency construction in_ ________ 1031 Fire prevention_____________________ 1258 Aerial fire control, cooperation with War Department___________ 1258 Homestead lands in, selection, etc_ __ 1258 Improvements,etc _____________ 410,1259 Deficiency appropriation for-- Insect infestations control in ___ - - -- Investigations in ________ - - - - - - - - -- Protection and administration___ - -- Publio camp-ground facilities ______ _ Seedin~, tree planting, etc_________ _ Approach roads in, approval of Secre- tary of Agriculture to be obtained before constructing_____________ _ Ashley, Wyo., lands added to _____ -' __ Boise, Idaho, additions to ___________ _ Cooperation of Territories and Depart- ment of Agriculture for forest per- petuation in_____________ - - - - --- Custer, homestead entries in ________ _ Fremont, Oreg., extended _______ - - - -- Helena, Mont., lands added to _______ _ Lost persons, expenses of searching for - Minnesota public lands, conserving shore-line beauty ____ ---- - --- --- Porto Rico, protection, etc __________ _ Predatory animals, suppression of, un- der l~year plan ________ - - - -- --- Rainier, Wash., area diminished _____ _ 99 407 1562 1259 1259 1054 1040 841 1200 583 278 250 388 1020 1516 1468 1047 Reimbursements for private property damagesin_____________________ 387 Reservoirs for transportation of logs, etc., authorized__ ____ ____ __ _____ 1021 Timber, deposit for purchase oL______ 527 Tree-planting operations on, to be en- larged_________________________ 527 Tusayan, Ariz., lands of, added to Western Navajo Indian Reserva- tion___________________________ 1204 Uintah, Utah, lands of Ute Indians within, to be paid_______________ 1092 Washakie, Wyo., extended___________ 1521 Water and sanitary systems in, annual sums authorized for completing, etc__ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ __ __ ______ _ 387 Yellowstone National Park, lands ex- cluded from, added to contiguous_ 220 National Gallery of Art: Appropriation for administrative ex- penscs ______________________ 242, 1370 Gellatly collection for exhibition, ac- knowledgment to be made_______ 5 National Geographic Magazine, publica- tion in, of George Washington map_ 72 National Guard. See al30 War Depart- ment. Arms and equipment, provisions con- cerning purchase, accountability, etc., repealed__ ___ ___ ______ ____ _ 1028 Jackson Barracks, La., leased for use of_____________________________ 831 Pay and allowances, air traveL_______ 1461 Reduction of mounted, etc., units __ 453,1297 State-owned military property used by, in 1917, credit allowed___________ 829 National Guard. Vermont, Federal prop- erty, lost by, relieved of account- ability___________________________ 8Z9 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers: Appropriation for___ 123,463,911,1375,1557 Consolidated with Veterans' Adminis- tration_ __ ______ __ ____ ________ _ 1016 Mountain Branch, addition_ _ ________ 843 Northwest Pacific Branch, establish- ment__________________________ 852 Southern State Branch, established____ 792 Togus, Me., hospital construction_____ 366 National Hydraulic Laboratory: Established, in Bureau of Standards___ 327 Study of Federal and State projects, authorized ________ : _ ___________ 328 National Institute of Health: Appropriation for _______________ 1228,1586 Hygienic Laboratory, Public Health Service, hereafter known as_ ______ 379