Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1827

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INDEX. elv 1'lant Quarantine and Control Administra. Pa&e tion-Continued. Pink bollworm of cotton, emergency ap- propriation to prevent spread of, in Arizona _________________ .. ___ 66 Plantains, on free list__________________ 674 Planters, appropriation for loans to Porto Rican___________________________ 240 Plonis: ])utyon___________________________ 662 On free list____ ______ __ ________ _____ 680 Plaques, duty on__ _ __________________ 604 Plaster of Paris, duty on, not specially provided for _____ __ _______________ 602 Plaster Rock: ])utyon __________________________ _ On free lisL _______________________ _ Plasters, duty on, healing_____________ _ Plate Glass: 602 680 599 ])efined, Tariff Act_ ____ ______ ____ __ _ 607 ])utyon _________________________ 605,606 Wire netting, silvered, etc___________ _ 607 Platinum: ])utyon _____________________ 592,629,664 On free list_______________________ 678,680 .Piatt National Park, Okla., appropriation for administration, etc__________ 315,1152 Plattsburg, N. If.: Appropriation for- Army barracks construction ___ 1015,1606 Public buildiIlgs at ________ '-_ _ _ _ _ _ 352 Army barracks construction at, au- thorized _______________________ 1460 Playing t:ards, duty on _______________ _ 657 fleasart River, Me., preliminary exami- nathn of, to be made _____________ _ 934 Ple~ropn<lumonia, appropriation for erad- ication___________________________ 1252 Pliers, duty on_______________________ 620 Plows, on free list_____________________ 672 Plumbago, duty on____ ___ __ __ ____ _____ 604 Plumes, importation of certain, prohibited_ 662 Plums, duty on_______________________ 636 Plushes, duty on _______________ 642,651,652 Plymouth, Ind., appropriation for public building at._ _______ ______ _______ _ 1599 Plymouth, Mass., Warren Cove intake pipe legalized_____________________ 1030 Plywood, duty on_____________________ 629 Pocahontas, Ark., bridge authorized across Black River at ___________________ _ Pocatello, Idaho, appropriation for public building a t ______________________ _ Pocketbooks, duty on _________________ _ Pocketknives, duty on _______________ _ Pocomoke River, Md., preliminary exam- ination to be made at mouth oL __ _ Pocono Pines Assembly Hotels Company:

Deficiency appropriation for payment

162 1599 667 618 935 of judgment, Court of Claims_ ___ 1076 Pocono Pines Assembly HotelD Com- Pa&e pany-Continued. Case of, against United States, re- manded to Court of Claims______ 1622 Point Arena Harbor, Calif., preliminary examination of, to be made _ _ _ _____ 944 Point Judith Pond, preliminary examina- tion of entrance to be made________ 934 Point Lookout, Md., appropriation for care, etc., Confederate cemetery __ 458, 1302 Point Lookout Road, Colo., land additions to Mesa Verde National PaLh., authorized to protect scenery along_ _ 1422 Point Pleasant. W . Va.: Bridge authorized across Kanawha River, at _ ____ __ _______ ___ ____ _ 1500 Ohio River, at ____________ ________ 1500 Time extended for bridging Kanawha Riverat_______________________ 500 Poker Chips, duty on__________________ 660 Poland: Ambassador to, authorized___________ 57 Appropriation for__________ 112,175,1310 Reimbursement of expenses, due to an erroneous deportation to _____ _ ])eficiency appropriation for _______ _ Polarimeters, duty on _________________ _ Polariscopes, duty on_________________ _ Poles, telephone, etc., on free list _______ _ Polishing Cloths, duty on ______________ _ Polk County, Minn., memorial in, author- 1103 1582 607 607 684 642 ized_____________________________ 1045 Pollock, duty on _____________________ _ Polygamists, excluded entry ___________ _ Pomades, duty on____________________ _ Pomelo Boxes, duty on ________________ _ Pomerene, Atlee, United States c:aim against Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing Company settled by ______________ _ Pomona, Calif., appropriation for public 633 849 599 630 277 building at_ ___ ______ ________ __ ___ 352 Ponca City, Okla.: Appropriation for public building at___ _ 903 Terms of court at____________________ 830 Ponca Indians, Okla., appropriation for su.pport, etc., oL _______________ 301, 1138 Ponce de Leon Inlet, Fla., preliminary examination of, to be made_ _ _______ 939 Ponce, Porto Rico, appropriation for pub- lic building at____ ________ __ ____ __ _ 903 Pontianak, on free lisL___ _____ __ ____ ___ 678 Pool Balls, duty on_ __ ____ __ ______ __ ___ 660 Popes Creek, Md., time extended for bridging Potomac River at__________ 69 Poplar, Mont.: ])eficiency appropriation for high-school building extension__ ______ _______ 1568 Bridge authorized across Missouri River, at._________________ _____ 858