Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1853

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Secretary of the Interior-Continued. Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Ariz., placed under National Park Service _______________________ _ Chaco Canyon National Monument, N. Mex.,exchllnge dlands ______ _ Carlsbad Caverns National Park, N. Mex., placed under _____________ _ Casa Grande Rui;,s National Monu- ment, right of way fOJ: irrigation canal through, authorized _______ _ Cherokee Indians, Eastern Band, clos- ing affairs of; 'lllotments suspepded_ Chinook division, Milk River, Mont., irri~ation projecte, adjustment of water charges __________________ _ Chippewa Indians, per capita payment to,authorized _________________ _ Chippewas of Minnesota,per capita pay- ment to _______________________ _ Choctaw and Chickasaw oil and gas lands, lease of certain, authorized_ Cibola Valley, survey of, for flood protection _____________________ _ Coal and asphalt deposits, Choctaw and Chickasaw lands, Okla., to be offered for sale by ____________ _ Craters of the Moon National Monu- ment, acceptance of land in ______ _ Crow Indians, Mont., adoption of nlinors ________________________ _ Elko, Nev., appropriation for Indian village aL _____________________ _ Five Civilized Tribes, restricted mem- bers of, whose land sold may select other____________________ _ F0rt Hall Reservation, Idaho, per acre charge on irrigable land to be fixed_ Frazer, Mont., high school available to Indian children ________________ _ Gas and oil production, under General Leasing Act. ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., certain charges against qesignated lands within, canceled __________ _ Government townsites on irrigation projects, unplatted portions may be sold _______________________ _ Hawaii National Park, regulations prescribing maintenance_________ _ Hawaiian Legislature, compensation of members to, upon estimates by ___ _ Homestead entry regulations by______ _ Hot Springs National Park, Ark.- Adjacent lands added ____________ _ Fees from physicians prescribing hot waters in _____________________ _ Mortgage of Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital in, authorized __________ _ INDEX. clxxxi Page I 1161 1165 279 582 1 1518 . 1010 54 1107 385 222 788 1206 1495 1046 1471 1063 1106 1523 1519 1107 227 824 580 1106 1462 1462 Secretary of the Interior-Continued. Page Industrial reformatory, selection of site for_ _______________________ 265 Institutions for benefit of Indians may accept donations, etc_ __ _________ 1106 Isle Royale National Parli, Mich., establishment,etc ___________ 1514,1515 Jamestown Island, Williamsburg, and Yorktown, Va., battlefield exam- ination by _ _ _ _ _________________ 855 Klamath Indic.n Reservation, Oreg., payment of expenses of suits_ _ ____ 1105 Ltc du Flambeau, patent of lands to school board oL_____ ___ _________ 149 Menominee Indians- Employment of attorneys by, author- ized___________________________ 1468 Per capita payment_ _ _ _ ______ ___ __ 1102 Mesa Verde National Park, additions to, authorized__________________ 1422 Mount McKinley National Park, regu- lations by, for surface use of min- erallands_ ______ ____ ___________ 1043 Mount Rainier National Park, lease, etc., for constructing tramway in, authorized_ ___________________ _ 1044 Napa, Calif., lands to protect water supply patented by_____________ 851 National Park Service, rates for motor travel_________________________ 382 National Parks and Monuments au- thorized to maintain central ware- housesin______________________ 219 National reclamation projects, size of farm, etc., entries Oil, fixed by ____ 502 Navy Commissioners Island, La., evi- dence of purchase of lands to be submitted to___________________ 1101 Northern Pacific Railroad land-grant cases, recommendations for legis- lation ~n connection therewith, by _ 44 Approval of adjustment of, to be with- held_ ________________________ 44 Issuance of further patents, etc., to be withheld__ ____ ____ __ __ _______ 44 Oil and gas- Deposits, leasing of unappropriated by ______________________ 1007,1523 Leases, under railroad rights of way _ 373 Prospecting permits, time extensions on, authorized___ ____ ____ _______ 58 Oregon - California Railroad grants, time extended for cutting timber on____________________________ 369 Osage Indians, funds of, appropriated for attorneys' fees_______________ 1047 Owyhee River, investigation fot:' dam construction across, authorized_ _ _ 1458 Palo Verde Valley, survey of, for flood protection_____ __ _____ _____ _____ 222