Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1860

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clxxxviii INDEX. P8~e Shrines, on free lisL _________________ _ 682 Shrubs: I>utyon _________________________ 636,662 On free lisL___ ______ ____ __ ____ __ ___ 680 Shungnak, Alaska, deficiency appropria- tion for school building, etc______ ___ 1568 Shuttles, duty on_____________________ 625 Siam, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to _______________ 175,1310 Sibley County. Minn., bridge authorized across Minnesota River, by _______ _ Sickles. duty on _____________________ _ Side Arms. duty on __________________ _ Sidney. Mont.• bridge authorized across Yellcwstone River at _____________ _ Sidney. Nebr•• appropriation for public Siem~:TarmstroBot (talk) 20:26, 26 January 2012 (UTC)r~;i;~-;s~-Si;ei~ d~t~-TarmstroBot (talk)= Siennas. duty OD _____________________ _ Sierra National Forest. Calif., appropria- 824 626 620 77 1602 611 600 tion for road maintenance in, etc____ 316, 319, 1153, 1155 Signal Corps, Army. See War I>epart- ment. Signal Safety Systems, appropriation for investigating __________________ 238, 1365 Signaling Apparatus. duty on _________ 618,661 Signs, D. C ., outdoor, regulations govern- ing_____________________________ _ Signs, Electric, duty on_______________ _ Sikeston, Mo., appropriation for public building aL _____________________ _ Siletz River, Oreg.• preliminary examina- tion to be made of bar and entrance_ Silica: I>utyon__________________________ _ OnfreelisL________--_-_-__-------- Silicate, duty on _____________________ _ Silicofluoride, duty on ________________ _ Silicon Metals, duty on_______________ _ Silk: 1486 618 904 944 603 682 601 601 610 I>uty on, and manufactures of _ _ _ __ 650, 652 On free list ______________________ 675,681 Silk Hats, duty on____________________ 664 Silver: I>utyon, leaL______---____-------- Onfreelist,bullion____-____-------- Coins __________________________ _ Ores ___________________________ _ Silver City, N. Mex., appropriation for public building at________________ _ Silver Foxes: 627 675 676 680 1602 I>uty on_ .. __ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ______ 632 On free list_________________________ 673 Silver Lake Harbor, N. C ., improvement of, authorized____________________ 923 Simmonds, Herman, etc., time extended for bridging Tampa Bay, by_______ 30 Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing Company, settlement of claim against author- Page ized_____________________________ 277 Sinnott, J. J ., appropriation for salary___ 510 Sioux City, Iowa: Appropriation for public building aL 904, 1602 Bridge authorized across Missouri River, at_____________________________ 1527 Sioux Falls, S. Dak., appropriation for public building at ________________ 353, 904 Sioux Indians, S. Dak.: Appropriation for- Construction at sanitorium fOL _ _ _ _ 1136 Fulfilling treaties with_____________ 1137 Schools, support, etc ___________ 298, 1134 I>eficiency appropriation for- Payment to______________________ 1566 Payment of claims of Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands 0:___________ 876 Investigating, etc., claims of members_ 1120 Memorial to, who died in World War service____ _____________________ 258 Payment of claims of Sisseton, etc., bands of, authorized_ ___________ 793 Treaty with, discharging obligations under_________________________ 300 Sirups, duty on _____________________ 630,639 Sisal: I>uty on___________________________ 644 On free lisL __ __________ ____________ 678 Siskiwit River. Wis., preliminary exami- nation of, to be made______________ 942 Siskiyou National Forest, Oreg.: Oregon Caves, improvement oL______ 99 Appropriation continued available_ _ 870 Sisseton Sioux Indians: Appropriation authorized to pay claims of_____________________________ 793 I>eficiency appropriation for payment to__________________________ 876,1566 Sistan Wool, duty on__________________ 646 Sistersville Ohio River Bridge Company, time extended for bridging Ohio River, at Sistersville, W. Va., by___ 1083 Sistersville, W. Va., bridge authorized across Ohio River, aL_____________ 1500 Six Nations, N. Y ., appropriation for ful- filling treaties with_ ____________ 304, 1141 Sixth Pan American Child Congress. Lima, Peru, deficiency appropriation for contribution_____ ____ ______ ____ _ 888 Skamok.awa Slough, Wash., improvement of, authorized____________________ 932 Skates, duty on_ __ _ __________________ 658 Skeletons, on free list_ _ _______________ 681 Sketches. on free lisL __ ____ __ ____ ____ _ 684 Skewers, duty on_ ____________________ 630 Skid Calks, duty on___________________ 616