Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1893

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INDEX. . CCXXl Wrangell, Alaska-Continued. Preliminary examination of harbor to be ll1ade ____________________ _ Wrapping Paper, duty on, not specially provide for ______________________ _ Wreaths, duty on ____________________ _ Wrenches, duty OIL __________________ _ Wright County, Mil1n., time extended for bridging Mississippi River, oy - - - - -- Writs: Certiorari, allowed to Supreme Court for review of radio appeal eases __ _ Fees for returns on _________________ _ Lunacy, appropriation for expenscs of executing, in District of Colum- Page 945 656 662 629 255 845 486 bia_________________________ 978,1402 Mandamlls, issue of, upon request of Tariff Commission_ - --- -- - - ----- Subpoenas- 700 Force of, issued by international tri- bunals_______________________ 1006 Issue of, by clerk of court in natu- ralization proceedings _______ - - 1511 Wurzbach, Harry M., deficiency appro- priation for contested election ex- penses __________________________ _ Wyan~t, III., reconstruction of bridge across Illinois and Mississippi Canal at; Federal contribution___________ _ Wyoming: Appropriation fol'- 860 927 Indians, support, etc., oL_ ______ 302, 1138 Insect control, national forests______ 99 National forest administration __ 408,1258 Deficiency appropriation for Biological Survey Bureau, construction, etc., under_________________________ 1069 Ashley National Forest, lands added to_ 1040 Compacts with Idaho for settlement of boundary line___________________ 1039 Construction of sugar factory in, au- thorized ______________________ _ 309 Oil and gas p:"ospecting permits and leases, public lands in___________ _ 819 Public lands, exploration for mineral deposits Oll certain, permitted____ 1470 Washakie National Forest, addition___ 1521 Yellowstone National Park, Mont., and, b0undaries modified ________ _ 221 "Wyoming," U. S. S ., appropriation for conversion into a training ship______ 1437 x X-Ray Apparatus, duty on_____________ 618 X-Rays, appropriation for investigation of ____________________________ 203,1339 Xylene, on free list__ _______ __ __ __ __ ___ 676 Xylidine, duty on_____________________ 593 Xylose, duty on_______________________ 1)31 Y Page Yachts, duty on______________________ 625 Yakimr, Indians, Wash.: An~~ Jpriatioll fol'- Health conservation____________ 299,1136 Industrial assistance_______________ 1124 Irrigation systems ______________ 292,1129 Support, etc" oL _______ ,._, ___ _ 301,1138 Yakima Irrigation Project, Wash.: Appropriation for operation, etc ___ 308,1144- Unexpended balances available for con: struction______ __ __ ____________ _ 1144 Yakima Park Highway, Wash., construc- tion, etc _______________________ 315,319 Yankton Sioux Indians, S. Dak., pay- ment to, for services in Pipestone claim____________________________ 268 Yantic River, Conn., preliminary exam- ination of, to be made_____________ 934 Yaqu!na Bay, Oreg.: Preliminary examination of, to be made of river and entrance_ ___________ 944 Prevention of flow of waters of, into Nutes Slough, etc_______________ 767 Yards and Docks, Bureau of. See Navy Department. Yarn: Duty on _________________ 641,648,650,657 Not specially provided for _________ 651 Yellow Creek, Ky., preliminaryexamina- tion to be made___________________ 1052 Yellow Fever Roll of Honor, Army: Appropriatiou for annuities__________ 458 James A. Andrus name corrected to John H. Andrus________________ 809 Yellowstone Irrigation Project. Mont. - N. Dak., drainage system comple- tion, unexpended balance available__ 307 Yellowstone National Park, Wyo.: Appropriation for- Administration, etc ________ 105,316,1152 Animals, winter feed facilities for __ _ 319 Extensions in area oL_____________ 319 Salary, commissioner___ ___________ 188 Deficiency appropriation for protection of nationai forests adjacent to____ 1068 Boundaries modified _______________ 220,319 Yellowstone River, bridge authorized across, at Sidney, Mont____________ 77 Ylang Ylang Oil, on free list___________ 680 York, Me., preliminary examination of harbor to be made________________ 934 Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebration: Appropriation fol'- Army participation; expenses of band_ 1279 Marine Band attendance a~, expenses of___________________________ 1449 Deficiency appropriation fol'- Invitations to foreign governments; entertainment of guests, etc____ 887