Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/211

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHs . 168,169 . 1930 . tory, and to pay from the appropriation herein authorized all costs incident to examining, transferring, and perfecting title to said Proviso.

land : Provided That the deed of convey ance mmay provide f or a Reversion to Univer-

I sity1fno longer used for reversion of title to the University of Wisconsin if and when the laboratory. United States no longer uses said land for the purpose of a forest products laboratory, and upon such reversion the United States shall have a reasonable time within which to remove or otherwise dispose of the buildings and other improvements constructed by it on said lands . Construction and SEC . 2 . The Secretary of Agricu lture is h ereby auth orized to equipment of suitable building at Madison, cause to be planned, by contract or otherwise, and to construct at Wis . Madison, Wisconsin, on said land, such fireproof building or build- ings as in his judgment may be suitable for the use of the forest products laboratory of the Forest Service, with modern equipment for laboratory tests and experiments, including the moving and inst allati on of exis ting e quipm ent an d the purc hase a nd in stalla tion of necessary new equipment, the making of steam, sewer, water, gas, elect rical , and other conn ection s, an d the const ructi on of such railway sidings, roadways, sidewalks, and approaches as may be re uired . Sum authorized for . EC. 3. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this expenses.

Act there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $900,000 . Approved, April 15, 1930 . Apr1115, 1930.

m.R . 155 .1 CHAP. 169.-An Act Providing compens ation to the Crow I ndians for [Public, No . 12 9 .] Custer Battle Field National Cemetery, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R epresentatives of the National Battle Field United States o f America in Congress assembled, That a sum not pa um Cr ow authorized i o to ex ceed $ 3,045 is h ereby autho rized to be appr opriat ed, o ut of any lands taken for.

money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose vol . , 15, P• p. 876. 649. of compensating the Crow Indians and their successors in interest Post for the appropriation of certain tribal and allotted lands from the reservation established by treaty dated May 7, 1868 (Fifteenth Statutes, page 649), for cemetery purposes as a site for the Custer Battle Field National Cemetery by Executive order dated December 7, 1886 . P ayments to indi- SEC . 2 . That out of the money herein authorized to be appro- vidual allottees . priated there shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Crow Indians the sum of $2,965, and that the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw from such sum any amounts found to be due to individual allottees, said amounts Sum to Provisos . bo a full satin- to be subject to disposition in accordance with existing law and faction for lands •

regulations of the Interior Department : Provided, That the deposit of said sum to the credit of the said Indians shall constitute full satisfaction to the said Indians for the taking of their lands com- pr ised within the Custer Battle Field National Cemetery and shall Amount far lands forever bar any legal or equitable claim that the Indians may have patented to s. G. to said lands or to the payment of compensation therefor . That the Reynolds .

Se cretary of the Interior is further authorized to make payments, ou t of the money herein authorized to be appropriated, the sum of $80 to the successors in interest under allotment numbered 423 of White Goose, which allotted lands were subsequently patented to Acceptance in fu ll S . G . Reynolds on August 26, 1912 : Pro vide d, T hat the acc epta nce satisfaction therefor . of such sum by the successors in interest under the said allotment and patent shall constitute full satisfaction for the taking of that portion of the allotted and patented lands comprised within the