Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/350

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307 prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, the unexpended balance Balance available . Vol.45,p.1590, of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1930 is con- Post, p . 1143. tinned available for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1931

Yuma project, Arizona-California : For operation and mainte- Yuma, Ariz .-Calif. nance, $275,000 ; for continuation of construction of drainage, $20,000 ; in all, $295,000 : Provided, That not to exceed $25,000 from the power Proviso . Operatin g commer- revenues shall be available during the fiscal year 1931 for the opera- cial syst em . tion and maintenance of the commercial system ; Orland project, California : For operation and maintenance, Orland, Calif. $38,000 ; Grand Valley project, Colorado : Not to exceed $15,000 of the Grand Val ley, Calif . unexpended balance of the appropriation of $75,000, for the fiscal V Balance ol .45,p . 228ble . year 1929, is her eby ma de ava ilable for co ntinua tion o f cons tructi on during the fisc al year 1 931 ; Boise project, Idaho : For continuation of construction, Payette Boise, Idaho . division, $620,000 ; Arrowrock division, $280,000 ; for operation and maintenance, Payette division, $20,000 ; in all , $920, 000 : Prov ided , Proviso. That the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $40,000 for Vol . Balance 45, available. drainage work, Notus division, contained in the Second Deficiency Post, p . 1143. Act, fiscal year 1929, shall remain available for the same purposes during t he fiscal year 193 1 ; Minidoka project, Idaho : For operation and maintenance, reserved Minidoka, Idaho . works, $28,000 ; continuation of construction, gravity extension unit, $1,100,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropria- Balance available . 1590 le . tion for this purpose for the fiscal year 1930 : Provided, That not to Post, p. 1143 . exceed $50,0 00 fro m the power revenu es shal l be a vailab le dur ing th e Operating commer- fiscal year 1931, for the operation of the commercial system ; and not revenues. from power to e xceed $100 ,000 from powe r rev enue s sha ll be ava ilabl e dur ing the fiscal year 1931 for continuation of construction, south side divi- sion ; in all, $1,128,000 ; Milk River project, Montana : For operation and maintenance, Milk River, Mont . Chinook division, $8,000 ; continuation of construction, $23,000 ; in all, $31,000 ; Sun River project, Monta na : For operation and maintenance, Pot liver, Mont . $11,000 ; continuation of construction, $275,000 ; in all, $286,000 : Provided, That the appropriation for continuation of construction Proviso . Balance available . for the fiscal year 1930 shall remain available for the fiscal year 1931, Vol.45,p.1591. for the purposes for which originally appropriated ; Lower Yellowstone, Lower Yellowstone project, Montana-North Dakota : The unex- Mont .-N . Dak . pended balance of the appropriation for completion of drainage Vol. pv ail able . 1591 . system for the fiscal year 1930 shall remain available during the fiscal year 1931 ;

North Platte, Nebr .. North Platte project, Nebraska-Wyoming : Not t o e xc ee d $ 75 ,0 00 Wyo. from the power revenues shall be available during the fiscal year 1931 Balan ce available . 1591 . for the operation and maintenance of the commercial system ; Carlsbad project, New Mexico : For operation and maintenance, Carlsbad, N . Mex. $50,000 ; Rio Grande project, New Mexico-Texas : For operation and main- T Riooranae,N .Mea- tenance, $375,000 ; for continuation of construction, $133,000 ; in all, Post, p . 1144. $508,00 0 ; Owyhee project, Oregon : For continuation of construction, owyhee, Greg. $2 ,000,000 ; Baker project, Oregon : The unexpended balance of the appropria- Baker, regilable . tion fo r this proje ct for the f iscal year 19 30 is reappr opriat ed and Vol.45,p. 1591. made available for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1931 ;

Post, p. 1144 . Vale project, Oregon : For operation and maintenance, $15,000 ; Vale, Oreg. for continuation of construction, $530 .000 ; in all, $545,000 ; Kl amath pro ject, Oreg on-Ca lifo rnia : For oper ation and main te- lamath,Oreg .Ca lif . nance, $42,000 ; continuation of construction, $222,000, together with Post, p . 1144.