Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/381

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRES S. SEss . II. CPI. 289. 1930. riages which will accommodate paper of the following widths, to Prices of standard wit : Ten inches (correspondence models), $70 ; twelve inches, $75 ; 19 31 machines forfiscal year, year, fourteen inches $77 .50 ; sixteen inches, $82 .50 ;; eighteen inches . $87 .50 ; twenty inches, $94 ; twenty-two inches, $95 ; twenty-four inches, $97 .50 ; twenty-six inches, $103 .50 ; twenty-eight inches, $104 ; thirty inches, $105 ; thirty-two inches, $107 .50 ; or, for standard type- writing machines distinctively quiet in operation, the maximum prices shall be as follows for models with carriages which will accom- modate paper of the following widths, to wit : Ten inches, $87 .50 ; twelve inches, $9Q .54 ; fourteen inches, $93 .34 ; eighteen inches, $96 .26 : Prov ided, That st andard typewri ting m achines distin ctively quiet in operation purchased during such fiscal year by any such depart- ment, establishment, or municipal government shall only be pur- chased on the wr itten orde r of the he ad thereof . All purchases to be All purchases of typewriting machines during the fiscal year 1931 from stock of Co m- m ittee . by executive departments and independent establishments for use in the Di strict of Columbia o r in the fi eld, excep t as herei nafter pro - vided, shall be made from the surplus machines in the stock of thq General Supply Committee . If the General Supply Committee is unable to furnish serviceable machines to any such service of the Government, it shall furnish unserviceable machines, if available, at current exchange prices, and such machines shall then be applied by the s ervice of the Governm ent rec eiving them as part p ayment for new machines from commercial sources in accordance with the prices fixed in the preceding paragraph . And in selling typewriting machines to the various services the General Supply Committee may accep t an eq ual num ber of unservi ceable machine s as pa rt paym ent thereon at the exchange prices quoted in the current general schedule of supplies . Proviso. Quiet machines . Unse rvi cea ble ma- chines allowed for ex- change . Acceptance in part pay ment . Office of Accounts and Deposits . C omm iss ione r, and office personnel . Reference books, pe- riodicals, etc: Bookkeeping and Warrants Division . so Chief, and office per- For the chief of the div ision, and other per sonal servi ces in the D istrict of Columbia, $155,000 . Contingent expenses, Contingent expenses, public moneys : For contingent expenses public moneys . R.S.,sec. 3653,p.719. under the requirements of section 3653 of the Revised Statutes U.S. C.,p.1010.

(U. S . C ., title 31, sec . 545), for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public money, transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, salaries of special agents, Examination of de. actual expenses of examiners detailed to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand at the several depositories, including national banks acting as depositaries under the requirements of section 3649 of R .S.,see . 3649,p .719. the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 31, sec . 548), also including exam- u. S7 C.,p.1010.

inations of cash accounts at mints and cost of insurance on shipments of money by registered mail when necessary, $200,000 . Rec oinage o f gold Recoinage of gold coins : For recoinage of uncurrent gold coins in th e Treasury , to be ex pended unde r the dire ction of t he Secreta ry of R. S ., sec .3512, p .696. the Treasury, as required by section 3512 of the Revised Statutes ,(U. S. C., title 31, sec, 319), 4,500. positories . coins . U. S. C.,P.995. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS For Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $89,980 . For books of r eference, law books, books on finance, te chnical an d scientific books, newspapers, for which payment may be made in advance, and period icals, for expenses i ncurred in completin g imper- fect series, for library cards, supplies, and for all other necessary expenses, $1,000 . DIVISION OF BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS