Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/390

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cir. 289 . 1930 .

347 and pe rsons detain ed in hospit als of the Pu blic H ealth Servic e unde r the im migrat ion la ws and regul ations , inclu ding n ecessa ry per sonnel , regu lar a nd re serve com missi oned offi cers oft he Public Health services in the Dis . trict, etc. Service, personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, General expenses. including the furnishing and laundering of white duck coats, trous- ers, smocks, aprons, and caps to employees whose duties make neces- sary the wearing of same maintenance, minor repairs, equipment, leases, fuel, lig hts, wate r, freigh t, trans portation and trav el, maint e- nance, exchange and operation of motor trucks and passenger motor vehi cles, and inclu ding not excee ding $3,0 00 fo r th e pur chase of passenger motor vehicles (at a cost not to exceed $1,000 each, includ- ing the value of any vehicle exchanged, except for ambulances), Lepers, tra nsp ort a- transportation, care, maintenance, and treatment of lepers, including tion, care, etc . transportation to their homes in the continental United States of recovered indigent leper patients, court costs, and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter taken for commit- ment of mentally incompetent persons to hospitals for the care and Insane, care, etc . treatme nt of the in sane, and re asonab le buri al exp enses (not e xceed- ing $100 for any patient dying in hospital), $5,8 61,7 76 : Pro vide d, UseD2 of3 Ellis Island That the Immigration Service shall permit the Public Health Service hospitals . to use the hospitals at Ellis Island Immigration Station for the care of Public Health Service patients free of expense for physical upkeep, but with a charge of actual cost of fuel, light, water, tele- phone, and similar supplies and services, to be covered into the proper Immigration Service appropriations ; and money collected by Receipts to be cov- t- the Immigration Service on account of hospital expenses of persons ered into Treasury . detained in hospitals of the Public Health Service under the immi- gration laws and regulations shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts : Provided further, That no part of this sum Uses forbidden . shall be used for the quarantine service, the prevention of epidemics, or scientific work of the character provided for under the appropria- tions which follow . All sums received by the Public Health Service during the fiscal Disposal of receipts . year 1931, except allotments and reimbursements on account of patients of the United States Veterans' Bureau, shall be covered into th e Trea sury a s misc ellane ous re ceipts . Quarantine service : For maintenance and ordinary expenses, exclu- sive of pay of officers and employees, of United States quarantine station s, inc luding the e xchang e, mai ntenanc e, rep air, a nd ope ration of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and including not exceeding $2,000 for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles (at a cost not to exceed $1,000 each, including the value of any vehicle exchanged except for ambulances), $660,000, of which $200,000 shall be immediately available .

Prevention o f epi- Prevention of epidemics : To enable the President, in case only of demics . threatened or actual epidemic of infectious or contagious disease, to aid State and local boards or otherwise, in his discretion, in pre- venting and suppressing the spread of the same, and in such emer- gency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in 7orce, $400,000, including the purchase of newspapers and clippings from newspapers containing information relating to the prevalence of disea se and the p ublic health .

Field investigations . Fiel d inve stigat ions : For investigations of diseases of man and conditions influencing the propagation and spread thereof, includ- ing sanitation and sewage, and the pollution of navigable streams and lakes of the United States, including personal service, and includi ng the maint enance , repa ir, an d opera tion o f moto r-prop elled passenger-carrying vehicles, and not exceeding $2,400 for the pur- chase o f moto r-prop elled passen ger-ca rrying vehicl es (at a cos t not