Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/400

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357 ings, curtains, or any expenses for the general maintenance of the Treasury B uilding, or surveys, plaster models, progress photographs, test-pit b orings, or mill and shop insp ections, $1,644,670, of which amount not to exceed $976,800 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia .

Outside professional Outside professional services : To enable the Secretary of the services . Treasury t o obtain architectural servic es, as provided in the Public tani ng~ion for ob- Buildings Act approved May 25, 1926 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 40, vol.44,p.631. sec. 342), namely, "to procure by contract the floor plans and designs p. 5615 . C., Supp.Iv, of buildings developed sufficiently to serve as guides for the prepara- d awings, a c . Working tion of working drawings and specifications, or to employ advisory assistance involving design or engineering features, and to employ, to the extent deemed necessary by him in connection with the construe- Architects for De- tion of buildings for the Depar tments of Co mmerce and La bor, the partments of co m- architects who were successful in competition heretofore held for a 1"e gsceandLabor Build- building for the then Department of Commerce and Labor, and to pay reasonab le compe nsation for such services ," and t o employ appraisers, when necessary, by contract or otherwise, $275,000 . PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OPERATING EXPENSES

Operating expenses. Operating force : For such personal services as the Secretary of Operating force . Personal services, as- the Treasury may deem necessary in connection with the care, main- sistant custodians, etc . tenance, a nd repair of all public build ings under the control of the Treasury Department (except as hereinafter provided), together with the grounds thereof and the equipment and furnishings therein, including assistant custodians, janitors, watchmen, laborers, and charwomen ; telephone operators for the operation of telephone switchboards or equivalent telephone switchboard equipment in Fed- eral buildings, jointly serving in each case two or more governmental activities ; engineers, firemen, elevator conductors, coal passers, elec- tricians, dynamo tenders, lampists, and wiremen ; mechanical labor force in connection with said buildings, including carpenters, pay restriction . plumbers, steam fitters, machinists, and painters, but in no case shall the rates of compensation for such mechanical labor force be in excess of the rates current at the time and in the place where such services are employed, $8,000,000 : PProvided, That the foregoing a ro ria- ~ ldin >

pp 1?

Buigs for which tion shall be available for use in connection with all public buildings available . under the control of the Treasury Department, including the wharf and monument at Jamestown, Virginia, and the customhouse in the Distri ct of Columbia, but not inclu ding any other public buildin g in the District of Columbia, and exclusive of marine hospitals, quar- antine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices .

F urn itu re' etc . Furniture and repairs of furniture : For furniture, carpets, and repairs of same, for completed and occupied public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of marine hospitals, quaran tine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and for gas an d electric lighting fixtures and repairs of same for compl eted and occupied public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, including marine hospitals and quarantine stations, but exclusive of mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and for furniture and carpets for public buildings and extension of public buildings in cou rse of constr uction which are to remain under the c ustody and Buildings excluded . control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of marine hospitals, quarantine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and build- ings constructed for other executive departments or establishments of Provisos. the Government, $1,090,000 : Provided, That the foregoing appro- Personal services re . priation shall not be used for personal services except for work done e tricti on' u nder contract or for tempo rary job labo r under exige ncy and not