Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/41

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xlii i Tenth Olympic Games . An Act To authorize the attendance of personnel and animals of the Page. Reg ular Army as participants in the Tenth Olym pic G ames . Mar ch 3, 1931 1490 Military Academy, additional land . An Act To authorize the acquisition for military purposes of land in Orange County, New York, for use as an addi tion to the West Point Military Res ervat ion . March 3,1931 1491 Quarantine inspection, Public Health Service . An Act To authorize twenty-four-hour quaran- tine inspection se rvice in certain ports of the United States, and for other purposes . March 3, 1931 1491 Lake Michiga n, brea kwater . An Act Granting to The Commissioners of Lincoln Park the rig ht to erect a br eakwat er in the naviga ble w aters of Lake Michigan, and tran s- ferring jurisdiction over certain navigable waters of Lake Michigan to The Commis- sioners of Lincoln Park . March 3,1931 1493 Publ ic buil ding co ntracts , labo r wage rates . An Act Relating to the rate of wages for laborers and mechanics employed on public buildings of the United States and the District of Columbia by contractors and subcontractors, and for other purposes . Mar ch 3, 1931- 1494 Grand Army encampment, Army Band . An Act Authorizing the attendance of the Army Band at the annual encampment of the Grand Ar my of the Republic, to be he ld at Des Moines, Iowa . March 3, 193 1 1494 Crow Indians, Mont ., adoption of minors . An Act Relating to the adoption of minors by the Crow Indians of Montana . Mar ch 3, 1931 1494 Crow Indians, incompetents, etc . An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to change the classification of Crow Indians . Ma rch 3, 1931 1495 Bridge, Boeuf River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the police jury of Rich- land Parish, Louisiana, or the State Highway Commission of Louisiana to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across Boeuf River at or near Buckner, Richland Parish, Louisiana . March 3, 1931 1495 Blac kfeet I ndians, Mont ., enrollment of minors . An Act For the en rol lme nt of chi ldr en born after December 30, 1919, whose parents, or either of them, are members of the Blackfeet Tribe of Indians in the State of Montana, and for other purposes . March 3,1931 1495 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to Missouri Valley Pipe Line Company of Iowa to construct, maintain, and operate a pipe-line bridge across the Misso uri Riv er, Ma rch 3,1 931 1496 Brid ge, Li ttle Ca lumet R iver . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the county of Cook, State of Illinois, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Little Calumet River on Cottage Grove Avenue near One hundred and fifty-eighth Street, in Cook County, State of Illinois . Mar ch 3, 1931 1496 Brid ge, Sa int Fra ncis Ri ver . An Act To legalize a bridge across the Saint Francis River one-fourth mile south of Greenville, Wayne County, Missouri . Mar ch 3, 1931 1497 Bridge, Saint Francis River . An Act To legalize abridge across the Saint Francis River four miles west of Kennett, Missouri, joining Dunklin County, Missouri, and Clay County, Ark ansas . March 3, 1931 1497 Bridge, Eleven Points River . An Act To legalize a bridge across the Eleven Points River at or near Thomasville, Oregon County, Missouri . Mar ch 3, 1931 1497 Bridge, James River . An Act To legalize a bridge across the James River at Galena, Stone County, Missouri . March 3, 1931 1498 Bridge, White River . An Act To legalize a bridge across the White Riv er approximately eleven miles south of Re ed Springs, Stone County, Missouri . Ma rch 3, 1931 1498 Bridge, White River. An Act To legalize a bridge across the White River at Forsyth, Taney County, Missouri . March 3,1931 1498 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State Highway Commission of Missouri to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge across the Missouri River at or near Weldon Springs, Missouri . Ma rch 3, 1931 1498 Bridge, White River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Missouri State High- way Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge across the White River at Branson, Taney Cou nty , Missouri . March 3, 1931 1499 Bridges, West Virginia . An Act Authorizing the State of West Virginia by and through the State Bridge Commission of West Virginia, or the successors of said commission, to acquire, purchase, construct, improve, maintain, and operate bridges across the streams and rivers within said State and/or acro ss boundary line streams or rivers o f said State . March 3,1931 1499 Bridge, Savannah River . An A ct Gra nting the consen t of Congre ss to the Charle ston and W est ern Carolina Rai lw ay Com pa ny to co nst ruc t, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge across the Savannah River at or near Augusta, Georgia . March 3, 1931 1502 Army, etc ., nurses, retirement . An Act To amen d the Act approved June 20, 1930 , enti tled " An Act to provide for the retirement of disabled nurses of the Army and the Navy ." March 3, 1931 1502 Bri dge, Mo nongahe la Rive r . An Act Granting the conse nt of Congr ess t o the count ies o f Fay ette and Washington, Pennsylvania, either jointly or severally, to construct, main- tain, a nd operate a toll bridge across the Monongahela River at or near Fayette City, Pennsylvania. Ma rch 3, 1931 1503 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act Au thorizing D. S. Prentiss, R. A. Salladay, Syl F. Histed, William M. Turner, and John H . Rahil ly, their heirs, legal represent atives, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the town of New Boston, Illinois . March 3, 1931 1503