Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/416

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373 (1) For the purpose of providing adequate maintenance costs and Fi sh Culture Divi- sion . personnel for the Division of Fish Culture, Bureau of Fisheries : Iolaintenance and Fiscal year beginnin Ju ly 1, 1930, $100,000 ; fiscal year beginning saitoi93'5, nclussive . July 1, 1931, $200,00 ; fiscal year beginning July 1, 1932 , $30 0,000 ; fiscal year beginning July 1, 1933, $400,000 ; fiscal year beginning July 1, 1934, $500,000 . Of each amount authorized by this para- graph to be appropriated, not more than 30 per centum is authorized for salaries at the seat of government and elsewhere . To meet the demand for fundamental knowledge regarding Division of Inquiry . (2)


g Encouragement of our great commercial fisheries and for developing the natural culti- fish conservation, etc ., v ation of oy sters, muss els, and ot her m ollus ca, an d the impro vemen t by, of pond cultural, the encouragement of fish conservation in the waters of the Great Lakes and other waters, and other operations of the Division of Inquiry, Bureau of Fisheries, respecting food fishes, sufficient annual additions to increase present appropriations by not to exceed $300,000 per annum at the conclusion of the con- struction program authorized in this Act . Of each amount author- ized by this paragraph to be appropriated not more than 40 per centum is authorized for salaries at the seat of government and elsewhere, and not to exceed $10,000 in any year for a survey of Hawaii fisheries. the fisheries of the Hawaiian Islands . (3) To provi de fo r the prop er hu sband ry of our fishe ries Division of Fishery 5 Industries. improvements in methods of capture, merchandising, and distribution Impro ving met hods of our fishery harvest including saving and utilization of waste etc ., offishery hsrcest capture,dr y harvest . . products, and other operations of the Division of Fishery Industries, Bureau of Fisheries, sufficient annual additions to increase present appropriations by not to exceed $175,000 per annum at the conclu- sion of the construction program authorized in this Act . Of each amount authorized by this paragraph to be appropriated not more than 40 per centum is authorized for salaries at the seat of govern- ment and elsewhere . SEC . 8 . In carrying out the provisions of this Act the Bureau of t Coion es mun

wi th 6ta, munici palities, Fisheries may cooperate with States, counties, municipalities, indi- private agencies, etc . viduals, and public and private agencies, organizations, and institu- tions, and may accept donations of lands, funds, and other aid to the development of this program . Approved, May 21, 1930 . May 21, 1930 . CHAP . 307 .-An Act Providing for the lease of oil and gas deposits in or

[H. R.8154.1 under railroad and other rights of way .

[Public, No . 241 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoarse of Representatives of the Oil and gas deposits . United Sta tes o f A mer ica in Co ngr ess as sem ble d, That whenever Leases authorize d of, the Secretary of the Interior shall deem it to be consistent with the way railroad rights of public interest he is authorized to lease deposits of oil and gas in or under lands embraced in railroad or other rights of way acquired under any law of the United States, whether the same be a base Proviso. fee or mere easement : Provided, That, except as hereinafter author- Restricted to owner ized, no lease shall be executed hereunder except to the municipality, of right of way . corporation, firm, association, or individual by whom such right of way was acquired, or to the lawful successor, assignee, or transferee of such municipality, corporation, firm, association, or individual .

Assignment author- SEC . 2. That the right conferred by this Act may, subject to the ized. approval of the Secretary of the Interior, be assigned or sublet by the owner thereof to any corporation, firm, association, or individual .