Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/421

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SEV ENT Y-FI RST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Gus. 316, 317. 1930 . May 23, 1930 . [S . 3185 .1 [Public , No .249.] Naval equipment . Disposal without charge, of obsolete, etc ., authorized to schools, etc. May 23, 1930 .

[S .3 585 .] CHAP. 317.-An Act To eliminate ce rta in la nd fro m the Tu say an Na tio nal [Public, No .250 .] Forest, Arizona, as an addition to the Western Navajo Indian Reservation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Tusa yan National Fo rest, Ariz

United States of America in Congress assembled, That the follow- Lands eliminated ing-described land be, and the same is hereby, eliminated from the from, added to Western Navajo Indian Reser- Tusayan National Forest, Arizona, and added to and made a part vation. Post, p. 1204. Description . Prov iso . Other

designated lan ds add ed. O wners of conveyed lands to select other public lands in ex- cha nge . Patents to issue. Proviso. To become Reservation . part of Public notice of ex- change to be advertised . CHAP. 313 .-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to dispose of material no longer needed by the Navy . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized in his discretion to dis . pose of, without charge, except for transportation and delivery, to properly accredited schools, colleges, and universities, for use in courses of vocational training and instruction, such machinery, mechanical equipment, and tools as may be obsolete or no longer needed by the Navy . Approved, May 23, 1930 . of the Western Navajo Indian Reservation, subject to all valid rights and claims of individuals initiated prior to the approval of this Act : All that part of the Tusayan National Forest lying east of the Colorado River and north of the Little Colorado River, unsurveyed, but which will probably be when surveyed in town- ships 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36 north, ranges 5 and 6 east ; all lands in township 31 north, range 6 east, which are now a part of the Tusa- yan National Forest ; sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 to 14, inclusive, east half section 23, sections 24 and 25, east half section 26 and sections 35 and 36, township 30 north, range 6 east ; sections 27 to 34, inclu- sive, township 30 north, range 7 east ; sections 1, 2, and 11 to 14, inclusive, sections 23 to 26 ? inclusive, sections 35 and 36, township 29 north, range 6 east ; sections 3 to 10, inclusive, and sections 15 to 36, inclusive, township 29 north, range 7 east ; section 1 and north half section 12, township 28 north, range 6 east ; sections 1 to 23, inclusive, and sections 29 to 32, inclusive, township 28 north, range 7 east ; Gila and Salt River base and meridian, Arizona : Provided, That all unappropriated and unreserved public lands in sections 24 to 28, inclusive, and sections 33 to 36, inclusive, in township 28 north, range 7 east, Gila and Salt River base and meridian, Arizona, be, and th e same are he reby, added t o and made a part of the Western Navajo Indian Reservation, subject to all valid rights and claims of individuals initiated prior to approval of this Act . SEc. 2 . That upon conveyance to the United States of a good and sufficient title to any privately owned land within the areas described in this Act, the owners or their assigns thereof are hereby author- ized under regulations of the Secretary of the Interior, to select at any time within fifteen years after the approval of this Act, from the surveyed, unappropriated, unreserved, nonmineral public lands of the United States, in the State of Arizona, lands approximately equal in value to the lands thus conveyed, such values to be deter- mined by the Secretary of the Inte rior, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue patents for the lands thus selected : Provided, That the lands conveyed to the United States under aut hority of thi s Act shall thereupon bec ome a part of the Western Navajo Indian Reservation . S Ec . 3. Tha t before any exchange of lands as abov e provided is effected, notice of such exchange describing the lands involved therein shall be published once each week for Your consecutive weeks