Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/452

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409 In national forest district 7, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, New Hampshire, Maine, Porto Rico, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Vermont, and Illinois, $525,154 ; In national forest district 8, Alaska, $139,007 : Provided, That of B Proviso . Alaska . the sum herein appropriated $16,000 shall be available only for the purchase or construction of a boat for use in Alaska ; In national forest district 9, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, $126,578 ; In all, for the use, maintenance, improvement, protection, and gen- Agg reg ate . eral administration of the national forests, $6,985,000 : Provided, That Interchangeable al- the foregoing amounts appropriated for such purposes shall be avail- iotments for emergen- able interchangeably in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture dies' for the necessary expenditures for fire protection and other unfore- seen exigencies : Provided further, That the amount so interchanged Limit . shall not exceed in the aggregate 10 per centum of all the amounts so a ppro pri ated . For fighting and preventing forest fires on or threatening the Fig hti ng for est fires ° national forests and for the establishment and maintenance ofa patrol to prevent trespass and to guard against and check fires upon the lands revested in the United States by the Act approved June 9, cai tnadlands, g etc . 1916 (39 Stat ., p . 218), and the lands known as the Coos Bay Wagon Vol- 39, p .218. Road lands involved in the case of Southern Oregon Company against United States (number ed 2711), in the Circuit Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit, $100,000, which amount shall be immediat ely available . For coope ration with the War De partm ent, o r for cont ract a irpla ne Airplane patrol . service, in the maintenance and operation of an airplane patrol to prevent and suppress forest fires on national forests and adjacent Proviso. lands, $50,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall Purchases forbidden . be used for the purchase of land or airplanes . For the selection, classification, and segregation of lands within Selecting, etc e trie s 7



for homestead n ries, the boundaries of national forests that may be opened to homestead etc ° settlement and entry under the homestead laws applicable to the national forests ; for the examination and appraisal of lands in effecting exchanges authorized by law and for the survey thereof by metes and bounds or otherwise, by employees of the Forest Service, under the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office ; and for the survey and platting of certain lands, chiefly valuable for cusur eying, et .,ag n r a gricul ture, now l isted or t o be l isted with in the nati onal forests, tional forests . under the Act of June 11, 1906 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 506-509), the pp s ios';of 37, p. Act of August 10, 1912 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 506), and the Act of 843 . . s" c ., pp.421-424 . March 3, 1899 (U . S. C ., title 16, sec . 488), as provided by the Act of March 4, 1913 (U. S. C., title 16, sec . 512), $52,500. For the construction of sanitary facilities and for fire-preventive facilities camp ground measures on public camp grounds within the national forests when necessary for the protection of the public health or the prevention of forest fires, $57,000 . For the purchase and maintenance of necessary field, office, and p Equepments, su p- l aborat ory s upplie s, in strum ents, and e quipm ents, $130, 000 . Planting on national forests : For the purchase of tree seed, cones, ing eding, tree plant- and nursery stock, for seeding and tree planting within national Post, P. 627. forests, and for experiments and investigations necessary for such seeding and tree planting, $225,000 . Reco nnais sance, nati onal forest s : For e stimating and a raisin

Appr aising timb er, g


9 etc, for s ale. timber and other reso urces on the national forests preliminary to disposal by sale or to the issue of occupancy permits, and for emer- gency expenses incident to their sale or use, $121,000 .