Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/480

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437 ment of such claims shall be made by the General Accounting Office,

Gen- eral Accounting Ofrace . Sett lement upon the appr oval and r ecommenda tion of th e Secreta ry of War, where the amount of damages has been ascertained by the War Department, and payment thereof will be accepted by the owners of the property in full satisfaction of such damages . CLAIMS OF OFFICERS EN LIST ED MEN AND NURSES OF THE ARMY FOR Destruction of o i- >



cers, etc. For the payment of claims of officers, enlisted men, and nurses roPa yme terof cla ims of the Army for priva te property lost, destroyed, ca tured, aban- vii .41, p. 1436. doned, or damaged in the military service of the United States, u . s . c ., p . 989 . under the provisions of an Act approved March 4, 1921 (U. S . C ., title 31, sets. 218-222), $11,600 . QUA RT ERM AS TER CORPS Quartermaster Corps. Subsistence of the Army : Purchase of subsistence supplies : For purc hase o f


issue as rations to troops, including retired enlisted men when for issue as rations . or dered to act ive duty, c ivil employ ees when en titled ther eto, hospit al matrons, applicants for enlistment while held under observation, general prisoners of war (including Indians held by the Army as p risone rs, b ut for whos e sub sisten ce ap propr iation is n ot oth erwis e ma de), India ns employ ed by the Army as g uides and scouts, an d general prisoners at posts ; for the subsistence of the masters, officers, crews, and employees of the vessels of the Army Transport Service ; hot coffee for troops traveling when supplied with cooked or travel rations ; meals for recruiting parties and applicants for sales to officers, etc . enlistment while under observation ; for sales to officers, including members of the Officers' Reserve Corps while on active duty, and enlisted men of the Army . For payments : Of the regulation allow- Com ym mutaiion allow . ances of commutation in lieu of rations to enlisted men on furlough, ante s° e nlist ed me n when stat ioned at pl aces where ratio ns in kind can n ot be economically issued, including retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty and when traveling on detached duty where it is impracticable to carry rations of any kind, enlisted men selected to contest for places or prizes in department and Army rifle competi- tions when traveling to and from places of contest, applicants for enlistment, and general prisoners while traveling under orders . For payment of the regulation allowances of commutation in lieu of rations for enlisted men, applicants for enlistment while held under observation, civilian employees who are entitled to subsistence at public expense, and general prisoners while sick in hospitals, to be Adv ertisi ng . aid to the surgeon in charge ;; advertising ;; for providing prizes to Prizes for bakers and p

cooks . be established by the Secretary of War for enlisted men of the Army who graduate from the Army schools for bakers and cooks, the total amount of such prizes at the various schools not to exceed $900 per annum ; and for other necessary expenses incident to the pur- chase, testing, care, preservation, issue, sale, and accounting for subsistence supplies for the Army ; in all, $24,669,783 .

Regular quarter mas - Regular supplies of the Army : Regular supplies of the Quarter- ter supplies . master Corps, including their care and protection ; stoves required for the use of the Army for heating offices, hospitals, barracks, and qu arters, and recruiting stations, and United States disciplinary barracks ; also ranges, stoves, coffee roasters, and appliances for cooking and serving food at posts in the field and when traveling, He at and li ght to and repair and maintenance of such heating and cooking appliances ; quarters, etc . authorized issues of candles and matches ; for furnishing heat and light for the authorized allowance of quarters for officers, enlisted men, and warrant officers, including retired enlisted men when