Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/486

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cu. 348. 1930 . authorized by law, and experimental, tes t, and development as follows United States .-Signal Corps, $115,660 ; Corps of Engineers, $506,550, of which $85,000 shall be ately available for construction of shore-protection works Screven, Georgia, to prevent erosion of the shore line ; Ordnance Department, $301,670 ; Chief of Coast Artillery, $186,495 ; Insular departments : Signal Corps, $103,031 ; Corps of Engineers, $220,000 ; Ordnance Department, $302,919 ; Chief of Coast Artillery, $226,575 ; Panama Canal . -Sig nal Cor ps, $43 .0 12 ; Corps of Engineers, $359,000 ; Ordnance Department, $154,488 ; Chief of Coast Artillery, $252,819 ; In all, $2,772,219 . SIGNAL COR PS work, immedi- at Fort United States. Fort S creven, Ga . Insular possessions, Panama Cana l . Signal Corps . 443 SI GNAL SERV ICE OF THE A RMY

Signal Service . Telegra ph and te lephone sy stems : Purchase, equipment, opera . Telegraph and tele . phone systems . tion, and repair of military telegraph, telephone, radio, cable, and Purchase, operation, signaling systems ; signal equipment and stores, heliographs, signal et c. lanterns, flags, and other necessary instruments ; wind vanes, barom- eters, anemometers, thermometers, and other meteorological instru- ments ; photographic and cinematographic work performed for the Army by the Signal Corps ; motor cycles, motor-driven and other v ehicl es fo r tech nical and offici al pu rposes in c onnec tion w ith t he construction, operation, and maintenance of communication or sig- naling systems, and s upplies for their operation and maintenance ; pr ofessional a nd scientif ic books of reference, ~amphlets, periodical s, newspapers, and maps for use of the Signal Corps and in the office of the Chief Signal Officer ; telephone apparatus, including rental and payment for commercial, exchange, message, trunk-line, long- distance, and leased-line telephone service at or connecting any post, camp, cantonment, depot, arsenal, headquarters, hospital, avia- tion station, or other office or station of the Army, excepting local telephone service for the various bureaus of the War Department in the District of Columbia, and toll messages pertaining to the office of the Secretary of War ; electric time service ; the rental of commercial telegraph lines and equipment and their operation at or connecting any post, camp, cantonment, depot, a rsenal , hea d- quarters, hospital, aviation station, or other office or station of the Army, including payment for official individual telegraph messages transmitted over commercial lines ; electrical installations and main- t enanc e the reof a t mil itary posts , can tonmen ts, c amps, and s tatio ns of the Army, fire-control and direction apparatus and material for Field Artillery ; salaries of civilian employees, including those ne cessary as instructors at vocational schools ; sup plies , gene ral repairs, reserve supplies, and other expenses, connected with the collecting and transmitting of information for the Army by tele- graph or otherwise ; experimental investigation, research, purchase, and devel opment or improveme nts in ap paratus, a nd mainten ance of signaling and accessories thereto, including patent rig hts and other rights thereto, including machines, instruments, and other equipment for laboratory and repair purposes ; lease, alteration, and repair of such buildings required for storing or guarding Signal Corps supplies, equipment, and personnel when not otherwise pro- vided for, including the land therefor, the introduction of wa ter, Telepho nes. Local exemption . Electrical installa- tions . Civi lian emp loyees . Experimenta l research, etc . Buildings for plies . sup -