Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/520

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SE VEN TY- FIR ST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 349. 1930 .

477 be paid in one sum to his legal representatives upon the establishment of a valid claim therefor, unless the annuitant shall have elected to receive an increased annuity as provided in section 4 hereof . (d) In case an employee shall die without having attained eligi- bility for retirement or without having established a valid claim for annuity, the total amount of his deductions with interest thereon shall be paid to the legal representatives of such employee . (e) In case a former employee entitled to the return of the amount credited to his individual account shall become legally incompetent, the total amount due may be paid to a duly appointed guardian or committee of such employee . (f) If the amount of accrued annuity or of refund due a forme r employee who is legally incompetent does not exceed $1,000, and if ther e has bee n no deman d upon th e Commissi oner of P ensions by a duly appointed executor, administrator, guardian, or committee, paym ent may b e made, af ter the e xpiration of thirty days from date of death or of separation from the service, as the case may be, to such person or persons as may appear in the judgment of the Commissioner of Pensions to be legally entitled thereto, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person . PAYMENT OF ANNU11L1 8 AND FO RM OF APPLICATION' Amou nt cre dited to account of deceased em- ployee, ineligible for re- tirement, paid to repre- sentative . Payment to guardi - an, if employee en- titled to deductions be• comes legally i ncom- petent . Payment, if no exec- utor, guardian, etc., ap- poin ted, of amo unts n ot exceeding $1,000 . Post, p. 1016. SEC. 13 . Annuities granted under the terms of this Act shall be Monthly payment s due and payable in monthly installments on the first business day of of annuities 44; p. sit he ck' the month following the month or other period for which the an- nuity shall have accrued, and payment of all annuities, refunds, and allowances granted hereunder shall be made by checks drawn and issued by the disbursing clerk for the payment of pensions in such form and manner and with such safeguards as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations governing accounting that may be found applicable to such payments. Applications for annuity shall be in such form as the Commissioner Applications for an- trill s . of Pensions may prescribe, and shall be supported by such certificates n Cert ificat e fro m head from the heads of departments, branches, or independent offices of o„uee artment, etc ., re- the Government in which the applicant has been employed as may be necessary to the d etermination of the rights of the applicant . Upon receipt of satisfactory evidence the Commissioner of Pensions shall forthwith adjudicate the claim of the applicant, and if title to annuity be established, a proper certificate shall be issued to the annuitant under the seal of the Department of the Interior . Annuities granted under this Act for retirement under the pro- Commencement and continuance. visions of section 1 of this Act shall commence from the date of Disa bility and invol- separation from the s ervice and shall continue during the life of untarey separation . the annuitant . Annuities granted under the provisions of sections 6 and 7 hereof shall be subject to the limitations specified in said Ante , pp . 472, 474 . sections . SEC . 14. Employees who have gone from employment within the Employees returning b


to annuity status from purview of this Act to other employment under the Government and other Government posi- tions, credited for ser- have returned to a position under the purview of this Act shall have vice therein . the time of such other service included in the computation for his retirement : Prov ided, That such employee shall contribute to the Pro vis o . Contribution to the retirement fund upon reentering such employment within the pur- fund required . view of this Act an amount, including interest, equivalent to that which would have been paid if such employee had continued in such employment .