Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/526

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cu. 354 . 1930 .

483 (a) For the George Washington Memorial Parkway, to include Area incl uded . the shores of the Potomac, and adjacent lands, from Mount Vernon to a point above the Great Falls on the Virginia side, except within Description. the city of Alexandria, and from Fort Washington to a similar point above the Great Falls on the Maryland side except within the District of Columbia, and including the protection and preser- vation of th e natural sce nery of the G orge and the G reat Falls of the Potomac, the preservation of the historic Patowmack Canal, and the acquisition of that portion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal below Point of Rocks, $7,500,000 : Provided, That the acquisition of n P c 0 q " u 1' i 0 rsa lands not any land in the Potomac River Valley for park purposes shall not to debar future naviga- improve, debar or limit, or abridge its use for such works as Congress may in eta tio n ., of Potomac m Rive en ts r. the future authorize for the improvement and the extension of navi- gation, including the connecting of the upper Potomac River with the Ohio River, or for flood control or irrigation or drainage, or for the development of hydroelectric power . The title to the lands Unite s ty ve st in acquired hereunder shall vest in the United States, and said lands, including the Mount Vernon Memorial Highway authorized by the addn ontt1OVernon Act approved May 23, 1928, upon its completion, shall be maintained Memorial Highway, by Di rec tor of Public and administered by the Director of Public Buildings and Public Building s and Parks, Parks of the National Capital, who shall exercise all the authority, DAnte, p . 139. power, and duties with respect to lands acquired under this section Post, p . 1555. as are conferred upon him within the District of Columbia by the V Vol.45 ol .4 3' p. 983. Act approved February 26, 1925 ; and said director is authorized u .S . d ., p.1.292 to incur such expenses as may be necessary for the proper adminis- tration and maintenance of said lands within the limits of the appropriatio ns from time to time grant ed therefor fr om the Treas- ury of the U nited States, which approp riations are h ereby author- ized . The National Capital Park and Planning Commission is Par k and Planning g

Commission may occu. authorized t o occupy such lands belong ing to the Uni ted States as Py Governm ent lands, and accept donations, may be necessary for the development and protection of said park- for development of way and to accept the donation to the United States of any other Par k- lands by it deemed desirable for inclusion in said parkway . As to prohibitive l an not a t any lands in Maryland or Virginia along or adjacent to the shores of be acquired the Potomac within the proposed limits of the parkway that would involve great expense for their acquisition and are held by said com- mission not to be essential to the proper carrying out of the project, the acquisition of said lands shall not be required, upon a finding of the commission to that effect . Said parkway shall include a Fotg Whingonctind highway from Fort Washington to the Great Falls on the Maryland Gre at arias Falls, M deand side of the Potomac and a free bridge across the Potomac at or near Great Falls and necessary approaches to said bridge : Provided No expenditures for , land, until commit- That no money shall be expended by the United States for lands ments for one-half cost received from the State, for any unit of this project until the National Capital Park and etc . Planning Commi ssion shall h ave received definite commi tments from the State of Maryland or Virginia, or political subdivisions thereof or from other responsible sources for one-half the cost of acquiring the lands in i ts judgment n ecessary for such unit of s aid project deemed by said commission s ufficiently c omplete, other than lands now belonging to the United States or donated to the United States : Provided further, That no money shall be expended by the United limited eFenrai'~ States for the construction of said high way on the aryland side highway system. of the Potomac, except as part of the Federal-aid highway program : Fu ll con str uc tio n, Provid ed, That in the discretion of the National Capital Park and eto . , c ost s m a y b e d- Planning Commission, upon agreement duly entered into by the star ubyn anit e State of Maryland or Virginia or any political subdivision thereof ments for men reimburse to reimburse the United States as hereinafter provided, it may ye ars n within eight advance the full amount of the funds necessary for the acquisition of the lands and the construction of said roads in any such unit ref erred to in t his paragraph , such agreeme nt providing for reim-