Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/546

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503 CHAP . 406 .-An Act To amend the Act of March 4, 1925, Chap . 521, and

June 6,1930. for other purposes .

[H. R.3975.] [Public, No . 310 .] Be it ena cted by th e Senate a nd House o f Represe ntatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sections 3 and cois ted S tates 4 of the Act of March 4, 1925, Chap . 521, 43 Statutes at Large 1260, Probation system in. 1261 (Sets . 726 and 727, title 18, U . S . C .), entitled "An Act to pro- am 101 .13, 3, p. 1260, vide for the establishment of a probation system in the United States .u- Iv, p . ,1 93 IV 516 ; Courts, except in the District of Columbia," be, and the same are hereby, amended to read as follows cc SEC . 3 . The judge or judges of any United States court or courts Pro bat ion may be

officers having original jurisdiction of criminal actions, except in the Dis- tr ict of Col umbia, may appoint on e or more suitable p ersons to serve as probation officers within the jurisdiction and under the direction of the ju dge or judges making such a ppointm ents or of the ir suc- No compensation , cessors . All such probation officers shall serve without compensation unle ss se rvice requir es exce pt that in case it s hall appea r to any s uch judge or judges t hat salaried officer . the needs of the service require that there should be salaried proba- ti on officer s, such ju dge or judg es may app oint such officers . The b9 a ar i nee Genesled Attorney General shall fix the salaries to be paid probation officers and shall provide for the necessary expenses of probation officers, in cluding cl erical ser vice, and e xpenses fo r travelin g when app roved by the court. Such judge or judges may in their discretion remove probation officer serving in their respective courts . The m nt °rand of copy appointment of a probation officer shall be in writing and shall be Attorney General . en tered on t he records of the cou rt or cour ts of the judge or j udges making such appointment, and a copy of the order of appointment shall be delivered to the officer so appointed and a copy sent to the Attorney General . Whenever such judge or judges shall have tie Designai o and td - appointed more than one probation officer he or they may designate officer . one of such officers chief probation officer . Such chief probation officer shall direct the work of all probation officers serving in the court or courts of such judge or judges . SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of a probation officer to investigate any investigation of cases . case referred to him for investigation by the court in which he is serving and to report thereon to the court . The probation officer shall ti IIetr ies as to proba- furnis to each person released on probation under his supervision a written statement of the conditions of probation and shall instruct him regarding the same . Such officer shall keep informed concern- ing the conduct and condition of each person on probation under his supervision and shall report thereon to the court placing such person on probation . Such officer shall use all suitable methods, not inconsistent with the conditions imposed by the court, to aid per- sons on probation and to bring about improvements in their conduct and condition . Each officer shall keep records of his work ; shall et Records, accounts, ke ep accu rate a nd comp lete ac counts of all moneys collect ed from persons under his supervision ; shall give receipts therefor, and shall make at least monthly returns thereof ; shall make such reports to the Attorney General as he may at any time require ; and shall per- form such other duties as the court may direct . Such officer shall Additional duties . perform such duties with respect to persons on parole as the Attorney pow er of arrest . General shall request . A probation officer shall have the power of arrest that is now exercised by a deputy marshal ." SEC. 2. That a new section be, and is hereby, enacted to follow Probation officers . y~

Additional section . section 4 of the Act of March 4, 1925, Chap . 521 43 Statutes at Large vol . 43, p. 1261, 1261 (Sec . 727, title 18, U . S . C .), entitled "An 1~et to provide for the amended . S. C.,p 516 ; es tablish ment o f a pro bation system in the United States Courts, su pp . IV, p.193. except in the District of Columbia," as follows : "SEC. 4 ( a ) . Th e Attorney General, or his auth orized age nt, shall wo rk estigation,etc .,of investigate the work of the probation officers and make recommenda-