Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/56

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . I . Cia. 24. 1929 . Terms of first mem- The terms of office of the appointed members of the board first taking bers. office after the date of the approval of this Act shall expire, as designated by the President at the time of nomination, two at the end of the first year, two at the end of the second year, one at the end of the third year, one at the end of the fourth year, one at the end of the fifth year, and one at the end of the sixth year after such date . Subsequent appoint- A successor to an appointed member of the board shall have a term of off ice expiring six ye ars from the date of the expiration of the term f or which h is predece ssor was ap pointed, e xcept that any perso n appointed to fill a vacancy in the board occurring prior to the ex- piration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed for the remainder of such term . One of the appointed members shall be designated by the President as chairman of the boar d and s hall be the pr incipal execut ive off icer th ereof . The board shall select a vice chairman who shall act as chairman in case of the absence or disability of the chairman . The board may func tion notwit hstan ding vacan cies, and a majo rity of th e ap- pointed members in office shall constitute a quorum . Each ap- pointed member shall be a citizen of the United States and shall not actively engage in any other business, vocation, or employ- ment than that of serving as a member of the board ; nor shall any appointed member during his term of office engage in the business (except such business as is necessary to the operation of his own farm or farms) of buying and selling, or otherwise be financially interested in, any agricultural commodity or product thereof . Each appointed member shall receive a salary of $12,000 a year, together with neces- sary traveling and subsistence expenses, or per diem allowance in lieu thereof, within the limitations prescribed by law, while away from his official station upon official business . eee . Chairman and prin- cipal executive officer . Vice chairman . Quorum . Citizenship require- ment, and other active business, etc ., barred. Salary and ances . allow . A dvi sory co mmod ity c ommittees . Separate agricultural commodity to be des- ignated of different marketingclassifica- tion or type . Assignment thereto, of two or more closely related commodities . Establishment of ad- vi sory commodity committees by cooper- tive associations, to be invited . Selection . No salary, but per diem compensation for attending mee tin gs, etc . Designated by name of commodity repre- sented . ADVISORY COMMODITY COMMITTEES SEC. 3. (a) The board is authorized to designate, from time to time, as an agricultural commodity for the purposes of this Act (1) any regional or market classification or type of any agricultural com- modity which is so different in use or marketing methods from other such clas sification s or types of the com modity as to require , in the judgment of the board, treatment as a separate commodity under this Act ; or (2) any two or more agricultural commodities which are so closely related in use or marketing methods as to require, in the judgment of the board, joint treatment as a single commodity under this Act . (b) The board shall invite the cooperative associations handling any agricultural commodity to establish an advisory commodity com- mittee to consist of seven members, of whom at least two shall be experienced handlers or processors of the commodity, to represent such commodity before the board in matters relating to the com- modity . Members of each advisory committee shall be selected by the cooperative associations from time to time in such manner as the board s hall prescribe . No s alary s hall be paid t o comm ittee m embers, but the board shall pay each a per diem compensation not exceeding $20 for attending committee meetings called by the board and for time devoted to other business of the committee authorized by the board, and neces sary trave ling and su bsistence expenses, or per dee m allow- ance in lieu thereof, within the limitations prescribed by law for c ivilian em ployees in the Execu tive branc h of the G overnment . Ea ch advisory committee shall be designated by the name of the commodity it represents, as, for example, the " Cotton Advisory Committee ."