Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/698

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . TI. C$. 497 . 1930 . PAR . 1406 . Pictures, calendars, cards, labels, flaps, cigar bands, placards, and other articles, composed wholly or in chief value of p aper lit hogr aphi call y pr inte d in who le or in par t fr om stone . gelatin, metal, or other material (except boxes, views of American scenery or objects, and music, and illustrations when forming part of a perio dical or n ewspaper, or of bound or unboun d books, accompan ying the same), not spec ially pr ovided fo r, shall be subj ect to duty at the following rates : Labels and flaps, printed in less than eight colors (bronze printing to be counted as two colors), but not printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, 30 cents per pound : cigar ba nds of t he same number o f colors and prin tings, 3 5 cents per pound ; labels and flaps printed in eight or more colo rs (br onze printing to be counted as two colors), but not printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, 40 cents per pound ; cigar bands of the sa me number of colors and printings, 50 cents per pound ; labels and flaps, printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, 60 cents per pound ; cigar bands, printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, 65 cents per pound

til l labels, flaps, and bands, not exceeding ten square inches cutting size in dimensions, if embossed or die-cut, shall be subject to the same rate of duty as hereinbefore provided for cigar bands of the sa me number of colors and printings (b ut no extra duty shall be assessed on labels, flaps, and bands for embossing or die-cutting) ; transparencies, printed lithographically or otherwise, in not more than five printings (bronze printing to be counted as two printings) . 40 per ce ntui n ad val orem ; in m ore t han f ive printings (bronze printing to be counted as two printings), 50 per centum ad valorem

Provided, That all invoices shall state the number of separate print- ings actually employed in the production of the transparency ; fash- ion magazines or periodicals, printed in whole or in part by lithographic process, or decorated by hand, 8 cents per pound


colnanias in ceramic colors, weighing not over one hundred pounds per one thousand sheets on the basis of twenty by thirty inches in dimensions, $1.25 per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem ; weigh- ing over one hundred pound s per one thousand sheets on the basis of twenty by thirty inches in dimensions . 30 cents per pound and 15 per centum ad valorem ; all other decalcomanias, except toy decalco- lilanias, if not backed with metal leaf, 40 cents per pound ; if backed with m etal leaf, 65 cents per pound ; all articles other than those ltt . reinbe fore specifically provided for in this paragraph, not exceed- iii ,, twelve one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, 30 cents per pound ; exceeding twelve and not exceeding twenty one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, and less than thirty-five square inches cut- ting size in dimensions, 15 cents per pound ; exceeding thirty-five square i nches cu tting si ze in di mensions , 12 cent s per po und, and in addition thereto on all said articles exceeding twelve and not exceedin g twenty oue-tho usandths of one inch in t hickness , if eit her die-cut or embossed, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; if both die-cut and em bosse d, 1?1 cents per pound ; exceeding twenty one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, 83/ 4 cents per pound : Provided, That in the case of articles hereinbefore specified the thickness which shall deter- mine the rate of duty to be imposed shall be that of the thinnest material found in the article, but for the purposes of this paragraph the thickness of lithog raphs moun ted or pasted upon paper, card- board, or other material shall be the combined thickness of the lithograph and the foundation on which it is mounted or pasted, and the cutting size shall be the area which is the product of the neatest diinc nsions of length and breadth of the article, and if the article is made up of more than one piece, the cutting size shall be the com bined cu tting si zes of a ll of th e lithog raphical ly print ed parts in the article . labels and flaps, cig ar ban ds Embos sed, etc . 655 SC HED ULE 14. Paper and books Lithographic,

etc , ]ranted ab le Transparencies, etc . Prorieos . Numbe r of sep arate printings in invoice . ,iccalcomanias O t her articles . TJ te nnmi ng t hick- ness, cutting size, etc.