Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/712

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cu. 497. 1930 .

669 organs or pipe-organ player actions and parts thereof, 60 per centum

sd ries . i6. ad valorem : Provided, That for pipe organs or pipe-organ player Pr ods oes actions and parts thereof especially designed and constructed for Pi pe organs and player actions for in- installation and use in a particular church, or in a particular public stalling in a church. audi torium at which i t is not customa ry to ch arge an a dmission fee, which are imported for that specific use, and which are so installed and used within one year from the date of importation, the rate of duty shall be 40 per centum ad valorem ; and the S ;;cretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all needful rules and regulations for carrying out the provisions of this clause ; cases for musical cases, etc. instruments, 50 per centum ad valorem ; chin rests for violins, 40 per centum ad valorem ; bridges for fretted stringed instruments, not specially provided for, 50 per centum ad valorem ; strings for musical instruments, composed wholly or in part of catgut, other gut, oriental gut, or metal, 40 per centum ad valorem ; tuning pins, $1 per thousand and 35 per centum ad valorem . (b) Violins, violas, violoncellos, and double basses, of all sizes, Vlnliri%etc ' wholly or partly manufactured or assembled, made after the year 1800, $1 .25 each and 35 per centum ad valorem ; unassembled parts, 40 per centum ad valorem . (c) Carillons, and parts thereof, 20 per centum ad valorem .

car ino gr phone PAR . 1542 . Phonographs, gramophones, graphophones, ditto- s, a nd simil ar artic les, and parts th ereof, n ot speci ally pro - vided for, 30 per centum ad valorem ; needles for phonographs, gramophones, graphophones, dictophones, and similar articles, S cents per thousand and 45 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 1543 . Rolls : Calender rolls or bowls made wholly or in Calendar rolls, etc . chief value of cotton, paper, husk, wool, or m ixtures thereof, or stone of any nature, compressed between and held together by iron or ste el heads or washe rs faste ned to i ron or s teel mand rels or cores, suitable for use in calendering, embossing, mangling, or pre ssi ng operations, 35 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 1 544 . Rosa ries, ch aplets, a nd simil ar artic les of religious Rosaries, etc. devotion, of whatever material composed (except if made in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum, gold plate, silver plate, or precious or imitation precious stones), valued at not more than $1 .25 per dozen, 15 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1 .25 per dozen, 30 per centum ad valorem ; any of the foregoing if made in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum, gold plate, silver plate, or precious or imitation precious stones, 50 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 1545 . Sponges, commercially known as sheepswool, 30 per sponges . centum ad valorem ; sponges, commercially known as yellow, grass, or velvet, 25 . per centum ad valorem ; all other sponges, not specially provided for, 15 per centum ad valorem ; manufactures of sponges, or of which sponge is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 1546 . Violin rosin, 15 per centum ad valorem .

Violin rosin . PAR . 1547 . (a) Works of art, including (1) paintings in oil or specially pr of idedfo t water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and copies, replicas, or reproductions of any of the same, (2) statuary, sculptures, or copies, replicas, or reproductions thereof, valued at not less than $2 .50, and (3) etchings and engravings, all the f oreg oing, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem .

Paintings, etc , suit a- (b) Paintings in oil, mineral, water, or other colors, pastels, and bill for textile designs . drawings and sketches in pen and ink, pencil, or water color, any of the foregoing (whether or not works of art) suitable as designs for use in the manufacture of textiles, floor coverings, wall paper, or wall cov erings, 2 0 per ce ntum ad valorem .

Peat moss . PAR. 1548 . Peat moss, 50 cents per ton .