Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/724

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cii. 497. 1930 . PAR. 1748 . Quinine sulphate and all alkaloids and salts of alka- loids derived from cinchona bark . PAR. 1749 . Radium, and salts of, and radioactive substitutes . PAR. 1750 . Rag pulp ; paper stock, crude, of every description, including all grasses, fibers, rags, waste (including jute, hemp, and flax waste), shavings, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste rope, and waste bagging, and all other waste not specially provided for, including old gunny cloth, and old gunny bags, used chiefly for paper making, and no longer suitable for bags . PAR. 1751. Rennet, raw or prepa red . PAR. 1752. Patna rice cleaned for use in the manufacture of canned soups . PAR. 1753 . Sago, crude, a nd sago flour . PAR. 1754. Santonin, and salts of . PAR. 1755 . Sausage casings, weasands, intestines, bladders, ten- dons, a nd integ uments, not spec ially pr ovided f or . PAR. 1756 . Sea herring, smelts, and tuna fish, fresh or frozen, whether or not packed in ice, and whether or not whole. PAR. 1757 . Cowpeas not specially provided for, and sugar be et seed . PAR. 1758. Selenium, and salts of . PAR. 1759. Sheep dip . PAR . 1760. Shingles of wood . PAR. 1761. Shrimps, lobsters, and other shellfish, fresh or frozen (whether or not packed in ice), or prepared or preserved in any manner (inc ludin g past es an d sauc es), and n ot sp eciall y pro vided for . PAR. 1762. Silk cocoons and silk waste . PAR. 1763. Silk, raw, in skeins reeled from the cocoon, or rereeled, but not wound, doubled, twisted, or advanced in manu fact ure in any way . PAR . 1764. Ske leton s and other prep aratio ns of anat omy . PAR. 1765 . Skins of all k inds, ra w, and h ides not special ly pro- vided for . PAR . 1766. Sodium : Nitrate, crude or refined ; sulphate, crude, or crude salt cake, and niter cake ; bicarbonate or baking soda . PAR. 1767. Specimens of natural history, botany, and mineralogy, when imported for scientific public collections, and not for sale . Par. 1768. Spic es and spi ce s eeds (1) Cassia, cassia buds, and cassia vera ; cloves ; clove stems ; cinnamon and cinnamon chips ; ginger root, not preserved or cand ied ; mace ; nutmeg s ; black or white pepper ; and pimento (all s ice) ; all the foregoing, if unground ; (2 anise ; caraway ; cardamom ; coriander ; cummin ; and fennel. PAR. 1769 . Spunk . PAR. 1770. Spurs and stilts used in the manufacture of earthen- ware, st oneware, or porc elain . PAR. 1771. Stamps : Postage or revenue stamps, canceled or uncan- celed, and gover nment stamp ed env elope s or post cards beari ng no other printing than the official imprint thereon . PAR. 1772. Sta nd ard newsprint paper . PAR . 1773. Statuary and casts of sculpture for use as models or for art educational purposes only ; regalia and gems, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incor- por ated or establis hed solely for r eligious, philos ophical, educati onal, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, seminary of learning, orpha n asylum, or publi c hos pital in the Renne t. Patna rice . Sago . Santonin. Sausage casings, etc . Sea herring, etc. Cowpeas . Selenium . Sheep dip. Shingles of wood . Shellfish. Silk cocoons . Silk, raw . Skeletons. Skins, etc. Sodiu m . Natural histor y, etc., spe cimens, not f or sale . Spi ces and seeds, cassia, etc . Ani se, etc . Spunk . Spurs and stilts. 681 FREE LIST . Quini ne . Radium . Crude pap er st ock . Foreign stamps, etc. Newsprint paper . Statuary, regalia, etc ., not for sale . C ondit ions .