Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/788

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cu:. 497 . 1930 .

745 in bonded warehouse beyond three years (or ten months in the case of grain) from the date of importation, shall be held to be no longer in the custody or control of the officers of the customs . SEC. 560. LE ASING OF WAREHO USES . The Secr etary of the Trea sury may cause t o be set aside an y available space in a building used as a customhouse for the storage of bonded merchandise or may lease premises for the storage of unclaimed merchandise or other imported merchandise required to be stored by the Government, and set as ide a portion of such leased premises for the storage of bonded merchandise : Provided, That no par t of any premises owned o r leased by the G overnmen t may be used for the storage of bonded merchandise at any port at which a public bonded warehouse has been established and is in operation . All the premises so leased shall be leased on public account and the storage and other charges shall be deposited and accounted for as customs re ceipts, and the rates therefo r shall not be less than the charges for storage and similar services made at such port of entry by commercial concerns for the storage and handling of merchan- dise . No collector or other officer of the customs shall own, in whole or in part, any bonded warehouse or enter into any contract or agree- ment for the lease or use of any building to be thereafter erected as a public s tore or warehouse . No lease of any buildi ng to be so used shall be taken for a longer period than three years, nor shall rent for any su ch premises be paid, in whole or in part, in advance . SEC. 561 . PUBLIC STORES . Any prem ises owne d or lea sed by t he Gover nment and used fo r the storag e of merchandise for the fina l release of which from cus- toms custody a permit has not been issued shall be known as a "public st ore ." SEC. 562 . MA NIP ULAT ION IN WAR EHO USE . Unless by special authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, no merchandise shall be withdrawn from bonded warehouse in less quantity than an entire bale, cask, box, or other package ; or, if in bulk, in the entire quantity imported or in a quantity not less than one ton weight. All merchandise so withdrawn shall be withdrawn in the original packages in which imported unless, upon the appli- cation of the importer, it appears to the collector that it is necessary to the safety or preservation of the merchandise to repack or trans- fer the same : Provided, That upon permission therefor being granted by the Secretary of the Treasury, and under customs supervision, at the expense of the proprietor, merchandise may be cleaned, sorted, repacked, or otherwise changed in condition, but not manufactured, in bonded warehouses established for that purpose and be withdrawn therefrom for exportation to a foreign country or for shipment to the V irgin Islands , American Sa moa, or the island of Gua m, with- out payment of the duties, or for consumption, upon payment of the duties accruing thereon, in its condition and quantity, and at its weight, at the time of withdrawal from warehouse, with such addi- tions to or deductions from the final appraised value as may be neces- sary by re ason of change in condition . The bas is for the as sess men t of du ties on such merchandise s o withdrawn for consumpti on shall be the entered value or the adjusted final appraised value, which- ever is higher, and if the rate of duty is based upon or regulated in any manner by the value of the merchandise such rate shall be based upon or regulated by such adjusted final appraised value ; but for the purpose of the asce rtainment and assessment o f additional duties ADMINISTRATIVE PRO- VISIONS . Le asin g of ware- houses . Authorized, for stor ing imports. Proriao. Restriction as to bond imports. Ch arg es, etc . Interest of customs officials in, forbidden. Time limit for. Public stores . Premises to be known as. Manipulation In warehouse. Withdrawals to be in original packages, etc. Fret iso. Cl ean ing, r epa clri ng, etc., permitted. Assessment of duties on withdrawal for con- sumption . Ante, p.725 .