Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/813

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cx. 506. 1930 . "(c) Texas, under the direction and administration of its duly constituted official, shall cause to be maintained and operated an automatic stream-gauging station at each of the following points, to wit "(1 On the Rio Grande at Courchesne ; "2 On the Rio Grande at Tornillo ; and "(3 On the Rio Grande at Fort Quitman . " d) Ne w Mexico a nd Texas shall esta blish and maintain such other gauging station or stations as may be necessary for ascertaining and recording the release, flow, distribution, waste, and other dis- posi tion o f wat er at all p oints betwe en th e Ele phant Butte Reser voir and the lower end of the Rio Grande project, both inclusive : Pr o - vided, however, That whe n the Unit ed States shall mai ntain and operate, through any of its agencies, an automatic gauging station at any o f the points herein des ignated it shall not b e necessary for the State within which said station is located to maintain a duplicate gauging station at such point whenever the records of such Govern- ment stations are available to the authorities of the several States . "(e) The officials in charge of all of the gauging stations herein provided for shall exchange records and data obtained at such sta- tions for monthly periods through the operation thereof, or at such other intervals as they may jointly determine, and said officials shall provide for check ratings and such other hydrographic work at the designated stations as may be necessary for the accuracy of the rec- ords obtained at such stations and to that end may establish rules and regulations from time to time . "A RTI CLE IV "The State engineer of Colorado, the State engineer of New Mex- ico, and such officer of Texas as the governor thereof may designate shall constitute a committee which may employ such engineering and clerical aid as may be authorized by the respective State legislatures, and the jurisdiction of the committee shall extend only to the ascer- tainment of the flow of the river and to the prevention of waste of water, and to findings of fact reached only by unanimous agreement . I t shall com municate it s findings of fact to the officers of the res pec- tive States charged with the performance of duties under this com- pact . Its findings of fact shall not be conclusive in any court or other tribunal which may be called upon to interpret or enforce this c o m p a c t . Annual reports compiled for each calendar year shall be made by the committee and transmitted to the governors of the signa- to ry States on or before February 1 following the year covered by such report . "ARTICLE V " It is agreed that to and until the construction of the Closed Basin Drain and the State Line Reservoir herein described, but not subse- quent to June 1, 1935, or such other date as the signatory States may hereafter fix by acts of their respective State legislatures, Colorado wi ll not cause or suffer the water s upply at th e interstat e gauging s ta- tion to be impaired by new or increased diversions or storage within the limits of Colorado unless and until such depletion is offset by increase of drainage return . Article VI .

" ARTIC LE VI Notice of spill at "To the 'end that the maximum use of the waters of the Rio Elephant Butte Dam, y to be gi ven Colorado Grande may be made it is agreed that at such times as the State and New Mexico, etc. engineer of New Mexico, under the supervision and control of the committee, shall find that spill at Elephant Butte Dam is anticipated By Texas. Other stations by New Mexico and Texas . Pro viso . Removal when Fed- eral stations located . Mutual exchange of records, etc . Article IV. Committee of States to ascertain flow of the river, etc . Findings of fact to be communicated to the States. Article V. Water supply of Colorado not to be im- paired .